Even if you have encrypted your traffic with a VPN (or the Tor Network), advanced traffic analysis is a growing threat against your privacy. Therefore, we now introduce DAITA.

Through constant packet sizes, random background traffic and data pattern distortion we are taking the first step in our battle against sophisticated traffic analysis.

  • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    11 month ago

    Funny how you call everyone hateful while being so full of hatred. You literally talk about becoming violent once outlived my usefulness, yet other are the violent ones?

    YOU, my man, are the problem hwre., you are the authoritarian here, not others.

    Hence me talking to you because I prefer to keep the discussion going. Noone is beyond saving. Do some reading up on Daryl Davis, he would be a good influence on you.

    Most extremists, like you, are not inherently violent, bad, or beyond saving. You’re simply a bit lost and maybe need to do some talking, have someone listen to you and validate you. Some different points of view can be very helpful to get rid of that hate that you feel inside you

    • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Yes, I’m the bad guy for being mean to nazis and not legitimizing their arguments with engagement.

      and replying to a month old post so you can hide from the inevitable replies you’d get for your soft handed “plz wont you think of the nazi’s and legitimize them with engagement and discussion” propaganda is fucking bullshit, and cowardice.

      You were a nazi enabler a month ago, and you’re a nazi enabler now. Now Fuck off.

      • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
        01 month ago


        You are the guy who gets in a disagreement, call your opponent a Nazi and then punch him, excusing yourself with “he was a Nazi”

        You quite literally are the same as Nazis, just that you have a different reason for your behavior than they have.

        So yeah, now fuck off, Nazi

        • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Yes yes yes, you’ve been called out and now its everyone else thats the nazi.

          Go dab your tears with your well read copy of Mein Kampf and take your bullshit elsewhere.

          • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
            01 month ago

            Stop making my points that you keep calling random people a Nazi just and only because you disagree with them.

            You quite literally are the template of a violent extremist. You already said multiple times you don’t shy away from commiting violence on those you think are Nazis and, you continuously call people Nazis because you disagree with them. That literally makes you a violent extremist, exactly the same as a Nazi, just on the other side.

            I pity you for not being able to see beyond your hatred, and I worry that I see so ma h hateful people like you here.

            • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
              1 month ago


              I’m such a hateful person cause I don’t tolerate nazis.

              And that causes you egregious offense, for some reason, So much so that you came back to a month old post immediately after the orange dick-tater was convicted to start trying your soft hand shit again. But you’re totally not a nazi. You’re just taking offense on their behalf, and demanding that they be accepted and legitimized. with incredibly suspicious timing… But totally not a nazi. Noooo.

              • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
                01 month ago

                No, you don’t hate Nazis. Look at this entire conversation. You hate people that disagree with you, and you like being violent so you justify your aggression with calling the other side a Nazi.

                • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  Yes yes.

                  You’ve been called out and tactics revealed, so now its everyone thats the big mean bully poopoo head mistreating the poor nazis and their sympathizers

                  I know, All you want to do is elevate them with discourse and legitimize them with acknowledgement, and take offense on their behalf, and do it all right after your horse-fucked jackolantern 3 weeks after halloween of a leader got convicted to boot. But you’re not a nazi, no. God forbid. I’m the true nazi for persecuting you for all the nazi shit you are saying and defending. I’m the real monster.


      • @jet@hackertalks.com
        1 month ago

        Ahh the ‘war only’ no diplomacy strategy.

        Your belligerence invites fascism, because anything you disagree with you will meet with violence. Even if your group starts off fighting the good fight ethically they will fall to fascism over time.