Former Vice President Pence on Tuesday delivered his strongest condemnation yet of former President Trump, after his former running mate was indicted Tuesday on four criminal charges related to his efforts to cling to power and overturn the results of the 2020 election.

“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence wrote in a statement.

      161 year ago

      More important, where was he in the run up? All he had to do was tell Donnie to heis face that they’d lost, and then go on TV and tell country.

      He could have convened a 25th Amendment meeting of the Cabinet.

      Sat there like a bump on a log…

        1 year ago

        This is quite literally why I’ll never see eye-to-eye with the “both sides are the same” folks.

        If Trump were the Democratic president, the DEMOCRATS would have had his criminal ass in chains and impeached before the evidence was even public. We wouldn’t have had a 1/6 because he would have been gone by or before 4/18/19.

        Democrats, for all their flaws and corruption, put country over party.

          41 year ago

          The MAGoo’s in a nutshell.

          First, ‘Vote for us, we’re more moral and patriotic than the dirty Dems.’

          When they get caught they’ll deny, then deny some more, and when it’s blatantly obvious to everyone that they are guilty, "Both sides are the same!!’