• Admiral Patrick
    1112 months ago

    Each day in court brings that reality closer. Trump can’t run. Trump can’t hide. Trump can’t do all the things that have enabled him to thrive as a despotic grifter his entire life. His mind is slipping, his grip on the world is weakening and at the end of the day Donald Trump recognizes it. You can see it in his eyes. His last cogent thought may well be the recognition that he’s the world’s largest loser and everything he’s done his entire life has led to utter failure.

    Emphases mine in case anyone needs a little not-quite end of week pick me up.

    • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
      422 months ago

      I don’t care if he ever thinks that thought. At the end of of his days he will have left us with a horde of lunatics empowered by his ideals. We are stuck with Trumpism.

      • NegativeNull
        202 months ago

        But without the charismatic messianic leader, it’ll fracture. Look how the repubs in the house are already turning on each other.

        Trumpism won’t go away, but it’ll be increasingly rudderless

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        42 months ago

        Yeah, but the cons have been doing everything possible to manifest someone just like donnie. If it wasn’t him, it was clear it’d be someone like him. Just look at Palin…

        I wouldn’t call it “Trumpism”; it’s been the core of the cons and the Republican Party for years and years.

      • prowess2956
        192 months ago

        I hope you get to do whatever helps you recover and re-energize, but for me it’s unplugging from everything and getting lost in the natural world. Hang in there, buddy.

    • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
      72 months ago

      I don’t think he will ever consider himself a loser. He’s done everything he’s wanted and pretty much gotten away with it. Even if he’s convicted of 100 felonies, he will at the worst have to spend the rest of his life at his Florida mansion tweeting and still doing whatever he wants.

      If he doesn’t see the inside of a jail cell, there is no justice in the world.