The White House on Tuesday condemned “death to America” chants that surfaced online from a recent rally in Dearborn, Mich., protesting Israel’s war in Gaza.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre replied, “yes” when asked if President Biden condemns the comments in the chants, which were captured on video by some attendees.

“Peaceful protests are something that the president has also been very clear that, its important to give folks space to peacefully protest. But any type of violent rhetoric, we are going to denounce,” she said.

Dearborn mayor Abdullah Hammoud (D) has also denounced the chants, sharing in a statement on X that “Dearborn is a city of proud Americans.”

    03 months ago

    They’re not raping people for a religious reason. I don’t know how you’re not getting that.

    I’ve been to most of the world, Islam is the most violent religion in the modern world. Stop acting like it’s not.

      13 months ago

      NOBODY is raping people for a religious reason. No country legalizes that, not even the Taliban. Is that what you think is happening? No wonder you’re insisting on such blind hate. Please educate yourself. Peace.

        -13 months ago

        Lol who said they’re doing it legally…holy crap you’re reading into your own bias. Stop acting like Islam is somehow not a religion with a ton of violence that’s done with its name.

        • I don’t know if people like you are ignorant or just stupid, I’ll assume the former.

          You do realise that calling any group of people the same the same things is actually insane.

          Like all cyclists are murders because I saw a cyclist kill someone once. Or all Americans are murders because the government killed people (arguably more people killed by this Christian government than any other). All white men are rapists because look at all the cases.

          Every religion has barbaric stuff in there. Go read a book or something and stop yelling at clouds bro.

            13 months ago

            Please provide sources of other religions honor killings or rapes outside of the norm. Yes a ton of bad has happened in the past with other religions, but we’re not talking about the past, we’re talking about the present. Stop acting like Islam is a religion of peace. It’s not.

          03 months ago

          Every religion and every ideology and political party has extremists, but they’re condemned by the mainstream. It’s a problem with humanity. Your community has extremists too but I don’t define you by it. If you take 2,000,000,000 people of course you will have Nobel Prize winners and a few violent criminals, but trying to tar us all with the same brush is a pretty high level of bigotry.

              13 months ago

              When you have 2,000,000,000 people, everything happens at a high level. The number of rapes in China is crazy high compared to America because of how big of a population difference there is. Your problem is you assume that this is somehow condoned instead of being a literal CRIME in every single Muslim country. You will not find a Muslim leader who defends killing women. If you cannot see logic past your bigotry then I can’t help you. Peace.

                  13 months ago

                  You’re showing me an ARAB problem. Not all Arabs are Muslim, and 10% of Muslims are Arab.

                  If you check the prevalence of spousal abuse in a place like Syria, you’ll see that Muslims are no better or worse than Christians or Druze. FGM is actually more common among non-Muslims than Muslims in most African countries. The list goes on.

                  Stop blaming all Muslim and a religion for what is clearly a cultural problem.