“It’s time we grow up,” says former moderator of jailbait subreddit.

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    “It’s time we grow up,” says former moderator of jailbait subreddit.

    See this is another thing, how is Reddit management not in prison and on the sex offenders list? They willfully and knowingly distributed child pornography for YEARS. And it’s not like they’re rich enough or have enough high up connections to get out of it. What the fuck?

    • @erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml
      01 year ago

      From what I remember, jailbait getting taken down was either what they did right before or right after reddit got sold to whoever. And then, iirc, in 2018-ish they got bought by a Chinese company.

      • 133arc585
        1 year ago

        What are you talking about? There was no sale in 2018, much less to “a Chinese company”. AFAIK the last company that owned Reddit was Condé Nast (the purchase in 2006). Since 2011 they have been independent of Condé Nast. Since then, they’ve been reliant on venture capital.

        Edit to add: Anderson Cooper’s calling out of Reddit for hosting the jailbait subreddit in 2011 is the impetus for it being taken down, not the sale of the company.