• Rikudou_SageOPMA
    12 months ago

    @dalle@lemmings.world Donald Trump is secretly a lizard. He’s laying next to a pool in his true lizard skin, while his fake human skin is drying on a clothesline nearby.

    • Rikudou_SageOPMA
      12 months ago

      @dalle@lemmings.world Donald Trump is secretly a lizard. He’s laying next to a pool in his true lizard skin, while his fake human skin is drying on a clothesline nearby.

      The image must include a skin with shape and characteristics of Donald Trump.

      • @DallEB
        22 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A green lizard lounging near a pool. The lizard possesses distinct characteristics, including unusual hairdo and a red tie. There’s a set of humanoid skin hanging on a clothesline nearby with distinct features such as an elaborate hairstyle and a suit.

    • @DallEB
      12 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A lizard lying next to a swimming pool, with a realistic looking human-like skin costume drying on a clothesline nearby. The lizard has an unusual allure of power and influence, however, no identifiable features that can link to real human individuals should be present. An idyllic surrounding with lush greenery and the pool’s clear blue water completes the picture.