On Tuesday, after weeks of attacking Orbán online and in public, Magyar released a tape of his ex-wife Varga apparently incriminating members of Orbán’s inner circle in a corruption scandal.

Magyar claims the two-minute recording, taped last year, proves that Orbán’s powerful Cabinet chief Antal Rogán tampered with documents related to a sprawling corruption dispute involving Pál Völner, a former state secretary in the justice ministry when Varga was minister. Völner resigned in 2021 after prosecutors accused him of taking bribes.

The sensational release of the tape — which Magyar presented to the prosecutor’s office in Budapest before a sea of cameras Tuesday — is the latest twist in a drama that has transfixed Hungary and provided a rare moment of dissent against Orbán’s iron grip on the country’s political system.


  • @febra@lemmy.world
    46 months ago

    Yeah, I was just about to say the same thing. People truly misunderstand the level of political indoctrination going on in Hungary right now. I’d be highly surprised if anyone anyone managed to take Orban down anytime soon. Not without something huge happening, and as it stands now, even a pedophile scandal isn’t big enough for Orban

    • @Dicska@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      “I Could … shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters”

      • Orb… I mean Donald Trump.