Schill said France could engage a division of 20,000 troops within 30 days to operate as part of an allied coalition. Paris, he added, would be able to command a force of around 60,000 soldiers made up of French and other allied troops. The French army comprises some 121,000 soldiers, with 24,000 reservists.

    137 months ago

    For real, western nations really need to get a grip and realize that no one is scared of them anymore. Russia has shown the world that you can fight back against NATO and win. Yet countries like France still seem to think that they can terrorize modern independent nations like they terrorized african tribal communities.

      7 months ago

      The European elites are all just yapping dogs who feel safe to be as provocative and belligerent as they want because they think daddy USA will come to protect them if they ever get themselves into trouble by their own actions. This is a dangerous delusion, the US does not and has never had any loyalty toward its so-called “allies”, and when shit hits the fan they leave you holding the bag and fuck off. Europe may very well have to learn this the hard way. NATO is a massive bluff that the Russians just haven’t called yet, but nothing guarantees that this will stay that way forever, especially if they ever get really fed up with the Euros’ insolent bullshit. For my own sake as someone who has to keep living in this deindustrializing shit hole, i can only hope that the Russians continue to have the patience of a saint. I wouldn’t be half as patient as they are if i had to deal with these absolute children in charge in the EU right now.