Contacted typewise, asked if I could purchase apk from them (the pro version or whatever) since I don’t use GPlay store and they said no.

  • z3rOR0ne
    56 months ago

    I can see this being useful, especially if you could scale the space around the characters (i.e. customize the size of the keys). I also think adding more layers like with smaller ortholinear keyboards might be a good idea as well…

    Hmm…gonna have to add this to the things to eventually make whenever I get around to learning kotlin/java for android dev.

    • hedgeOP
      36 months ago

      Hi, I’m afraid that might be blocked on Beehaw, but if you do decide to proceed with an open source version of Typewise (Typefool?), please message me and I will seriously consider providing you with a little funding for your efforts.👍

      • Neshura
        36 months ago

        Same line of thinking, if someone in the FOSS space would take up a similar project I would absolutely financially support that. For how good that keyboard feels right now probably even a relatively large sum monthly.