• @steeznson@lemmy.world
    67 months ago

    She was not a good PM but she got dealt an extremely bad hand. It was compounded by the fact that her personality type was not suited to “selling” any deal she came back with when dealing with the EU.

    • @Ross_audio@lemmy.world
      87 months ago

      She deserved a bad hand.

      As Home Secretary she enacted the “hostile environment” on immigration, took away British citizens rights with wind. Cut benefits and enacted austerity on the poorest and most vulnerable in society.

      Her remain “campaigning” consisted of saying she was in favour of the EU as long as the UK could negotiate leave the European Convention of Human Rights while staying in.

      She was a full part of the government that caused the mess.

      The idea we should feel sorry for her because people didn’t do what she wanted (either the public voting, or MPs) is ludicrous.

      As a senior member of government she attacked the weakest and most vulnerable. The poorest and most disadvantaged.

      Acted badly in a referendum that was then lost not in the least part due to discontentment with her department directly.

      Then bullshited everyone with sound bites afterwards like “Brexit means Brexit.” Or “Red White and Blue Brexit”. Won the leadership and then has nothing to campaign on or set a manifesto on.

      She deserves to be mocked and ridiculed for her incompetence. She deserves to be vilified for her malice and cruelty.

      She wanted power, got it as home secretary. Then did everything she could to prop it up so she could do as much damage to us as possible.

      Lost control and support of her party, never had the support of the public.

      Let her retire, but take away everything from her except what she’d give to a disabled 50 year old from another country who can’t work their old job anymore.

      No national pension, she took that from people with the wrong parents.

      She probably should get put on a prison hulk, then sent to Rwanda. That’s the legacy of the Home office she’s given us.