Ukraine is running short on artillery, which is causing a slowdown in its counteroffensive. Why isn’t the West meeting Ukraine’s needs? The problem is production capacity: Western factories simply cannot produce the artillery shells as fast as Ukraine can fire them. Investing in production capacity could easily bridge the gap. However, weapons manufacturers are nervous that demand for shells will disappear as soon as the war ends, leaving the infrastructure investments unprofitable. This video explains how guaranteed contracts solve that problem and simultaneously encourage Russia’s retreat even before the assembly lines are up and running.

  • SpaceBar
    51 year ago

    Ukrain should not be using less shells than Russia. Fixing that discrepancy seems at the minimum to he necessary.

    • Will_Phelps
      51 year ago

      @Spacebar @barsoap Ukraine especially needs to expend more artillery than Russia during shaping phases of counteroffensives.

      If they cannot, the operation is started on a back foot.