• st0v
    44 months ago

    I know what happens. I put on a bunch of weight, the automatic immigration gate wouldn’t let me through and I got sent to the desk with a person. they told me it was because my face has changed too much grin they made a new picture and I was fine after that.

    I lost a bunch of weight recently and while the machines let me in they wouldn’t let me out without going to the big desk again for a new photo.

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      4 months ago

      On one hand I’m glad it sounds like it won’t be too much of an issue for me to get things updated. On the other how is this any safer if an actual intruder can just get a picture update anyway? They already have a human compare my face and ID so someone getting to the facial scan point presumably already looks a bit like me. Thank you for the insight