• @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
    218 months ago

    It’s okay Gavin, I don’t think unreasonable idolizing zealotry needs to seep into the Democratic party, the conservatives can keep that.

    • GodlessCommie
      -208 months ago

      seep into the Democratic party

      Its been there for decades. Biden expanded on it with his unwavering support for Zionists

      • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
        8 months ago

        Bull and shit.

        It’s barely been a few months since a major terrorist attack and Biden is already repeatedly telling one of the oldest active US allies to back down, that the war willbnot be a year long, and that the US is focused on a two-state solution.

        Not that your irrelevant, made-up non-sequitir has anything to do with idolizing zealotry anyway.

        • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          88 months ago

          A couple points:

          • Military action is not the solution to terrorism. On the contrary, it creates MORE terrorism by making the people who lost loved ones easier to radicalize.

          • Biden circumvented normal procedures to expedite arms to Israel twice in December alone. That’s actively supporting the genocide. His mealy mouthed “hey guys, maybe tone it down a bit until I get re-elected?” isn’t anywhere near active opposition.

          • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            8 months ago

            Military action worked really well against Al-Qaeda.

            It can perpetuate terrorism, but does not have to.

            Biden, in the politically immediate aftermath of a massive terrorist attack, is continuing US support of a 70-year-old ally.

            Biden is not actively supporting genocide.

            Netanyahu said they’re going to extend the war, Biden says they cannot. Netanyahu says they will not negotiate, Biden insists on a two-state solution.

            Just because this is an uncomfortable situation where innocents are getting killed, it doesn’t mean you have to start making things up.

            • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              88 months ago

              Military action worked really well against Al-Qaeda.

              It really didn’t.

              It can perpetuate terrorism, but does not have to

              It always does.

              a massive terrorist attack

              You keep playing up the size of one day while ignoring the extremely unproportionate "response " from the Israeli government.

              a 70-year-old ally.

              And pretending that the alliance of hegemonic convenience means that they’re allowed to commit atrocities freely

              Biden is not actively supporting genocide.

              Bending if not breaking rules and norms to make sure that the US is supplying a shitload of the weapons and funding that make it possible is active support by any sane definition, so yes he is.

              Netanyahu said they’re going to extend the war, Biden says they cannot.

              And Biden knows that Netanyahu won’t listen to talk without real consequences. Of which Biden will make sure there will be none.

              an uncomfortable situation where innocents are getting killed

              War crime enabling understatement of the century.

              doesn’t mean you have to start making things up.

              I’m not. I just wish I could say the same about you.

              • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                -108 months ago

                I’m not ignoring the disproportionate response by Israel, you are as yet unable to comprehend that it’s the exact same way they’ve responded to every attack from Palestine for 70 years.

                You’re just making things up about Biden that haven’t come true yet.

                So yeah you can make things up, but two weeks ago people were saying Biden wouldn’t even tell Israel to stop, and then he encouraged them to scale back operations, and then they said he never stopped delivering weapons, and now he’s slowing down deliveries, and you are all arguing that they’re going to encourage the war to go on forever, and he told netanyahu that the war cannot continue indefinitely.

                You can make things up, but they are crashing into the walls of reality.

                I’m sure you wish you could.

                • @TexMexBazooka@lemm.ee
                  -88 months ago

                  It’s been interesting to watch the rhetoric unfold around this whole situation. People seem to expect Biden to react along with their emotions, but you’re right that the US has to support its Allies.

                  Not coming to Israel’s aid after the Hamas attack would have undermined US credibility, which is already shakey after we elected trump

                  • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                    8 months ago

                    Also, pulling out of a historical alliance would have taken us out of being able to control how the situation continues and any policy or military decisions made.

                    If you aren’t someone’s ally, they aren’t going to listen to you if you give advice on how to proceed in a military conflict or really any situation, and as we can all see, even if you are their most important ally, you have to constantly reiterate and reinforce your point of view to make any impact.

                    The US doesn’t agree with how Israel is conducting the war, but to immediately turn on a 70-year ally woukd inevitably cause every other ally to pull away, and potential future allies or any future negotiating party to distrust the states, you’re exactly right

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          58 months ago

          He’s politely telling them back down or he might maybe probably slow down weapon deliveries. Fucking Reagan did better,

          • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            -48 months ago

            Biden has flat out told netanyahu that the war cannot continue the way it is and it will not turn into a year-long war, and the US is focusing on a two-state solution.

            The only thing Reagan was better at was illegally selling weapons to Iran and funding coups against democratic countries.

            • @IndustryStandard@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              All these words and yet the actions are the exact opposite.

              Netanyahu said he wants to continue his genocide until at least 2025 and he will never accept a two state solution.

              What Biden should do then is withold weapons. But he’s not, he’s helping Israel by bombing Yemen.

              Bidens actions and words contradict. That shouldn’t be hard to see.

              • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                -98 months ago

                Biden is diplomatically influencing a volatile military conflict that concerns a very old and strategically important ally.

                If he immediately pulls away all support, the US loses all credibility as an ally, negotiating partner and strategic advisor, not just now but for the foreseeable future.

                Biden’s doing it exactly right. He has advised them to begin winding down operations, and when they haven’t, he let it be known they won’t support a year-long war, and in the future they can slow down aid.

                You want this to be some simple storybook morality play, but it’s the real world where every single decision Biden makes as the commander in chief, including everything he says, affects countless other past, current and future scenarios.

                You can throw a tantrum all you want, but Biden is diplomatically drawing down the conflict in the wisest way a world leader not directly immersed in the conflict can.

                Your suggested reactionary whimsy is invalid and unhelpful.

                Right now, you’re just upset that “it’s not fair”, but the situation not being fair isn’t going to be resolved because you’re upset it isn’t fair or immediate or perfectly clean.

                • @IndustryStandard@lemmy.world
                  88 months ago

                  You’re writing this off as some intelligent de-escalation. In reality Biden is doing everything he can to allow israel to continue their genocide. He put aircraft carriers next to them against retaliation and is attacking Yemen for blocking their ships.

                  He didn’t have to bypass Congress to provide them with more explosives. He could have used the excuse that he was powerless.

                  It’s funny to see at least someone is still falling for this theatre. Probably the worst performance a president has ever put on.

                  Biden is massively escalating the middle east by failing to reign in his pitbull. This is some of the worst crisis management of all time

                  • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                    8 months ago

                    This is the timeline diplomatic de-escalations work on.

                    Biden is bombing Yemen because government and commercial ships were being fired on for weeks by terrorists devoted to indiscriminately killing Americans and Israelis, despite warnings of military reciprocity.

                    What an inane strategy, for the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military in the world to say he’s powerless.

                    Amazing you could come up with a method that could possibly not be less believable.

                    You’re so far off the mark. I don’t even think you know there’s a target.

                    Biden is de-escalating this situation.

                    As confused as you are, remember that the US is thousands of miles away from this conflict, still gathering intelligence, and unless you would like us to send soldiers over there to directly engage in military combat, the diplomatic strategy Biden is employing is the prudent and intelligent de-escalation solution he should be, and is, employing.

                    Haha, you know you’re winning when they resort to a bot group to add ten downvotes to every post.

                    Run away, run away.

        • GodlessCommie
          58 months ago

          See this is a situation where the rhetoric does not match the action. You claim that he is telling him to back down while he is hounding Congress for an additional $100 million in funding while bypassing Congress two times to transfer weapons to them. The action is what tells the truth, not the bullshit that comes out of their mouth

          • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
            -58 months ago

            Biden has told them to back down, he directly told netanyahu he won’t support a year-long war, he’s introduced a new two-state solution and told netanyahu that two-state solution is what the US is focused on with regard to the end of this war, he brokered a ceasefire.

            Direct action you are conveniently ignoring.

            As for the nominal funding you don’t understand, 3/4 of the House support unconditional continual aid to Israel, and despite US regularly contributing $4 billion annually to Israel, a massive terrorist attack happening and an ongoing war, Biden is only delivering 100 million in aid, less than three percent of the normal annual funding.

            Biden is putting forth consistent, clear, direct actions to rapidly and diplomatically de-escalate a race war that the leader of a country that’s very important to Middle east stability is hell-bent on escalating.

            • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
              138 months ago

              Biden has told them to back down, he directly told netanyahu he won’t support a year-long war, he’s introduced a new two-state solution and told netanyahu that two-state solution is what the US is focused on with regard to the end of this war

              Nothing but empty words while he continued actively supporting the genocide with weapons and funding.

              he brokered a ceasefire

              No he fucking didn’t! He refuses to even use the word ceasefire, lest he angers his owner donors at AIPAC.

              3/4 of the House support unconditional continual aid to Israel

              That doesn’t make it any less wrong to support genocide.

              Biden is only delivering 100 million in aid, less than three percent of the normal annual funding.

              That’s 14 BILLION, with a b and it’s IN ADDITION to the annual genocide funding for the apartheid regime, not instead of.

              Biden is putting forth consistent, clear, direct actions

              You don’t even believe that yourself. You just WANT to.

              A race war

              That’s not what it is. It’s genocide, domicide, apartheid and other atrocities being committed on the general population with the October attacks just a convenient excuse.

              a country that’s very important to Middle east stability

              You mean the country that’s the main REASON for middle east instability.

              • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                -128 months ago

                They aren’t empty unless they’re not backed up with action.

                Since the button administration has already taken action, you’ re at a loss.

                “But he didn’t use the word ceasefire!”

                He encouraged netanyahu to stop fighting, enacting a ceasefire. You can call it whatever you want, but when to actively fighting sides stop fighting, that’s called a ceasefire.

                I get that you’re parroting what I’ve saying about Israel committing genocide, so, thanks I guess.

                No, Israel, surrounded by terrorist groups and multiple countries, is not at all the main reason for terrorism and it’s absolutely ridiculous that you would assert that when it’s a bald-faced lie easily disproven:

                Israel regularly fights and fought Hamas, PIJ, isis, Hezbollah, in an effort to stabilize their democratic country.

                Israel is a stabilizing military force in the region, so of course the US is going to support them. As they have been for 70 years.

                This is not a month-old conflict, stop pretending it is.

                • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
                  118 months ago

                  They aren’t empty unless they’re not backed up with action.

                  Exactly. They’re not backed up by any action.

                  Since the biden administration has already taken action, you’ re at a loss.

                  No they haven’t. I’m not the lost one here.

                  He encouraged netanyahu to stop fighting, enacting a ceasefire

                  He said the words knowing full well that it wouldn’t accomplish anything except (poorly) covering his own ass

                  No, Israel, surrounded by terrorist groups and multiple countries

                  Terrorist groups primarily existing because of the oppressive actions of the Israeli governments.

                  Israel regularly fights and fought Hamas, PIJ, isis, Hezbollah

                  Zero to one of which would exist if not for Israeli government atrocities

                  an effort to stabilize their democratic country and the surrounding region.

                  Yeah, THAT’S going well! 🙄

                  Israel is a **de**stabilizing military force in the region

                  Fixed that for you.

                  This is not a month-old conflict

                  True, the Israeli government has been massacring and oppressing Palestinian civilians for many decades.

                  stop pretending it is.

                  I never did.

                  • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                    -108 months ago

                    You keep talking about these actions as if they’re the only actions that have occurred in the 70 years since Israel became a country.

                    You are making assumptions about this one conflict as if all of this is a new surprising reaction, and then when I contradict you, parroting the words that I said.

                    Which, I appreciate, but isn’t very convincing for your line of argument.

                    Let’s counter your other blatantly false statements.

                    Israel is not responsible for the creation of those terrorist groups.

                    Hamas was founded as a direct counter to the PIJ, isis was founded to combat US troops in Iraq.

                    Israel is able to contain all of these groups militarily and is willing to do so.

                    They have historically been a stabilizing force in that region because they’re willing to combat terrorist organizations.

                    And then I guess you just agree with me again at the end, so cheers.

                  • @TexMexBazooka@lemm.ee
                    -118 months ago

                    You do this thing where you respond to comments line by line, without ever saying anything of actual substance. It’s interesting.

                • GodlessCommie
                  18 months ago

                  You sure have all the bullshit apartheid zionist terrorist talking points down.

            • @Cosmonauticus@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              Biden is only delivering 100 million in aid, less than three percent of the normal annual funding.

              I like how you left out the part were Biden was asking congress for 14 billion in aid for Israel in October. The only reason it didn’t happen is Republicans wanted a bunch of bullshit attached to it. Sure he wanted to include funds for aid in Gaza but that make no fucking sense when you’re actively paying the ppl killing them.

              Biden is putting forth consistent, clear, direct actions to rapidly and diplomatically de-escalate a race war

              Yeah he’s currently talking about maybe sorta kinda slowing or pausing weapon sales. 4 months into an active genocide.

              • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                -128 months ago

                It makes sense to support the only country in that region who is Democratic and wants to partner with the US in combating terrorism, and have committed soldiers and agencies to that end for decades.

                Again, they’re one of the longest active mutual defense allies of the US, supporting them makes total sense politically and practically.

                This problem is of the time, but there are decades of solid relationship behind it, nobody should act surprised that the US is still supporting Israel after they’ve been supporting them for so long.

                If that does surprise you, then you need to read up on the history of Israel, Palestine and the US before you make claims that make zero sense historically or contextually.

                And yes, Biden is slowing weapons deliveries, telling netanyahu that the US won’t support the standard war netanyahu wants, telling him that he has a two-state solution that the US is committed to, he’s taking direct action.

                • @Cosmonauticus@lemmy.world
                  118 months ago

                  You mean the two state solution that’s been proposed for multiple decades that both parties can not and will not agree on? Yeah this time will definitely be different! Telling someone something isn’t direct action. Denying all attempts at funding and weapon sales is direct action. Being the president he has the direct ability to do both.

                  According to you watching a murder and quietly saying “stop that…” is dIrECt ACtiOn.

                  • @Varyk@sh.itjust.works
                    -108 months ago

                    No, you’re making things up that are not close to accurate.

                    Action is action. Biden is directly telling netanyahu that he’s not going to support an extended war after netanyahu claimed he was going to extend the war.

                    A direct contradiction is direct action.

                    He can take more extreme action and risk losing the only ally that’s keeping stability in that region and therefore losing any control over the situation, but given that he’s the commander chief of the most powerful and extensive military force and allied coalition in the world, Biden is mtaking a more prudent and calculated diplomatic course to ameliorate the severity of the war than you are focusing on.

            • GodlessCommie
              8 months ago

              His ceasefire was SOLELY to provide more weapons. You are covering for genocide because your team is the one committing it. And to change the Thanksgiving table conversations.

                • GodlessCommie
                  -28 months ago

                  I won’t debate Zionists, everything they say is lie despite evidence to the contrary. Twist facts to create a narrative in their favor.