Fifteen states — all but one run by Republican governors — skipped the deadline to apply for a new federally-funded program that will provide $120 per child for groceries during the summer months to families of children who already qualify for free or reduced-price lunch at school.

  • Verdant Banana
    86 months ago

    if it is a federally-funded program why is it allowed to be state’s rights issue?

    we need a president that supports federal over state’s rights

      6 months ago

      What would a federal school meal program that operates without the support of the state/local government look like? If schools were federally run then that would be one thing, but they are not.

      (I’m really sick of people making absolutely horrible things done by the GOP into a criticism of Biden/Democrats for not doing something extraordinary or impossible to keep it from happening. Especially when the GOP deliberately and cynically does the horrible thing to harm the Democrats’ election chances.)

      5 months ago

      Could you imagine the uproar if the federal government forced these states to participate in programs like this? Having them volunteer seems better in the long run. I mean, if a place like Ohio feels that strongly about not taking money from the government, why stop them? Speaking as someone who lives there, it’s on us to vote out the people too stupid/stubborn to take free money.