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Polls have also shown Biden’s support slipping among Black and ethnic minority voters, who helped drive his 2020 election win against Trump.

Analysts say Biden’s best hope now is a simple but quite specific number: that wages continue to rise faster than prices as they have done since April of last year, allowing consumers to feel that their wallets are fuller.

    6 months ago

    Still rather vote for him than the wanna be dictator. It’s shitty, and who knows maybe the Dems will primary someone decent.

    But if the choice is “generally shitty typical politician who isn’t actively telling us how he’s going to destroy our country” vs “I’m going to destroy our country and prosecute my enemies illegally and rip out long term federal employees and replace them with folks loyal to me who will let me be a dictator, and btw I’m saying this out loud all the time”…

    It’s still not a hard choice to vote for a fucking wet paper bag over trump , even a wet paper bag who is not doing the best job and is supporting questionable international policies.

    Please remember they’re not the same type of bad. One is run of the mill politician bad, one is literally telling us how he plans on ripping our country’s founding principles to shreds.

    • Uranium3006
      126 months ago

      if trump wins it will be 100% because the democrats chose to run a shitty candidate that didn’t encourage turnout among less engaged voters. and before you yell at me biden fans, those less engaged voters aren’t in this thread, or indeed any politics thread. they’re the ones who barely ever show up to vote in the first place. two shitty candidates = they don’t care enough to register or wait hours in line, and you gotta go out and get their votes to win. it’s just politics

      • TigrisMorte
        -86 months ago

        Exactly what was said by the folks that sat on their asses in 2016.

        • Uranium3006
          96 months ago

          did you learn from the mistakes of 2016 or are you gonna make them again? by the way, I voted in 2016, something the majority of people my age didn’t do

    • GodlessCommie
      96 months ago

      First they came for the communists… Condoning genocide along with Biden allows for future atrocities. What happened to ‘push him left?’

      • Uranium3006
        146 months ago

        What happened to ‘push him left?’

        it was a lie. that day never came because there’s only one reliable mechanism to do it and it’s the one we’re told decade after decade we aren’t allowed to use, vote for someone else

        • TigrisMorte
          -106 months ago

          Yup in a binary choice picking the pointless third option is the secret. Reality hates this one simple trick.

      • Deceptichum
        6 months ago

        No, no you misheard it’s actually “slowly go further right or else the right might win”.

        Why eventually if you keep voting for the lesser of two evils enough, we’ll have made so many small turns to the right that we’ve come full circle and end up on the left.

        It’s genius really, vote blue no matter what and we won’t end up in a situation like this where the Overton window is so shifted to the right that people like Trump can win an election.

        At the end of the day as long as “nothing would fundamentally change“ you’ll be on track to fixing this mess.

          • Deceptichum
            36 months ago

            It’s an improvement, but without an educated and politically engaged public it doesn’t make much of a difference.

            • Matt
              26 months ago

              People would be more engaged if they felt their vote mattered.

        16 months ago

        I’m just worried that we’ll have a repeat of voter apathy because the Dems present a really not great candidate again and folks don’t show up and allow the dangerous nut jobs elect in their wannabe dictator.

        That said, I 100% agree that folks should be pushing and demanding better from our elected officials so keep voicing and pushing your concerns!

      16 months ago

      But why is this the only choice? If the alternative is a complete fascist, wouldn’t it make sense for the Dems to run a real progressive?

        16 months ago

        Honestly? Because most of the country isn’t ready for a true progressive candidate. Run someone middle of the road and the conservatives (or moderate leaning right) who aren’t stupid will possibly go across the party line and vote for them, they run someone too progressive and those folks either don’t show up at all or vote trump because it’s “better than the crazy commie”.

        I really disagree with the idea of 2 extreme candidates from either side anyways. Ranked choice is what we need.