The day began with a dramatic twist: the unexpected arrival of the younger Biden, who has repeatedly offered to testify publicly in the impeachment inquiry but refused to be interviewed behind closed doors, in the Oversight Committee’s hearing room. Democrats and Republicans immediately began bickering about whether to allow him to be heard.

  • gregorum
    9 months ago

    the fact that he showed up by surprise, and all the GOP reps could do is keep bitching that he refused to show up was hilarious enough, but the fact that the Dem reps kept saying, “he’s right here, right now; ask him your questions!” and they refused and just kept whining proved how absolutely full of shit they are. but watching hunter walk out right as MTG was about to start blathering and then watching her simply melt down is something i’ll remember forever. [chef’s kiss]

    • IHeartBadCode
      279 months ago

      They made such a big deal about how “he didn’t show up”.

      It’s beyond me how none of them thought that he wouldn’t show up to show them up at the most inconvenient, for them, point in time.

      Like you can tell, whoever is running that show is only thinking in five minute increments. And Hunter Biden, whoever is advising him, has next season already in mind.

      I was actually shocked that this sort of stunt by Biden had not already been planned for. And that their Johnny on the Spot, fake it till we make it was basically a Jerry Springer episode.

      They made such fools of themselves that day. That could not have gone better for the Democrats.

      • gregorum
        9 months ago

        OMG, so MGT trying to introduce new “evidence”, and Raskin objecting because he didn’t want her to introduce porn as evidence, and she says, “It’s not porn” and he snaps back, “Well, you’re the expert.” LMAO!

        the clip