• @cultsuperstar@lemmy.world
    396 months ago

    Weren’t a lot of them installed by the GOP leading up to Trump’s presidency? I know the GOP was pushing through a lot if confirmations when they had control of the senate.

    • @TommySalami@lemmy.world
      166 months ago

      That’s been the GOP M.O. for a while, but according to the info presented in the article the Dem appointed judges have actually been slightly more lenient (sentenced less than what prosecution sought 92% of cases, against the Trump appointed 90%).

      I’m sure there’s more nuance to it if you look at it case by case, but it seems like across the board judges are handing out lenient sentences for Jan 6.

      • @SCB@lemmy.world
        76 months ago

        It’s because the vast majority of offenders are first time offenders, and are unlikely to repeat their actions.

        This is a good thing, and should happen a lot. Our criminal justice system is fucked up.

          • @SCB@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            I could definitely see Trump supporters doing shit like this. I find it unlikely anyone at the Capitol, who has also been prosecuted, and given a light sentence, doing it again.

            • @nbafantest@lemmy.world
              16 months ago

              I very much disagree with this statement. I think if Trump wanted them all to do it again in 2024 almost all of them would join again.

    • @Kethal@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      The article points out that there are not large differences in leniency between judges appointed by different presidents, and that, if anything, judges appointed by Republicans are harsher.

      • @lennybird@lemmy.world
        56 months ago

        and that, if anything, judges appointed by Republicans are harsher.

        ? I’m skimming the article but these passages seem to suggest the opposite:

        Judges appointed by Trump have issued lesser sentences than prosecutors wanted at only a slightly higher rate than Obama appointees. Out of 173 cases, Trump appointees gave lighter sentences than the government requested in 156. Trump appointees agreed to the sentences recommended by prosecutors in 16 cases, while issuing a harsher sentence in one.

        By contrast, judges appointed by President Bill Clinton have meted out the harshest sentences, yet they have still been more lenient than prosecutors recommended slightly more than half the time. George W. Bush appointed judges have issued lesser sentences than prosecutors sought in 50 out of 54 cases, or 92 percent, while judges appointed by Ronald Reagan issued more lenient sentences in 42 out of 68 cases, or 61 percent.

        The most lenient individual judge handling January 6 cases was not appointed by Trump or Biden, but by George W. Bush. Judge John Bates, now on “senior” or semi-retired status, issued sentences more lenient than prosecutors sought in all 28 of the January 6 cases he handled, often turning down requests for prison time and letting defendants walk free.

        • @Kethal@lemmy.world
          16 months ago

          The last point about GW Bush supports that Republicans were harsher. Regardless, I think I misread something, because I don’t see the sentence I thought I read earlier. However, the rates are close, and there’s no strong relationship between leniency and party affiliation of the president who appointed the judge. The authors unfortunately don’t summarize how much more lenient or compare the rates to similar sorts of cases unrelated to Jan 6.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      16 months ago

      Curiously enough, the plurality were appointed by Obama.

      Not even the first time Obama appointees cut far-right idiots and assholes some slack. Still found it fucking hilarious that Eric Holder couldn’t find anyone in the Bush Administration worth prosecuting. Particularly when Bush goons like Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie would move right on over to state government positions in subsequent years.

      • @cultsuperstar@lemmy.world
        16 months ago

        If I remember correctly (and I admit I’m probably not lol), is that when Obama would nominate a judge and the GOP would say no until he nominated someone they wanted?