Link to the summary of findings submitted by South Africa:

South Africa’s 84-page filing says Israel’s actions “are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part” of the Palestinians in Gaza.

It asks the ICJ, also known as the world court, for a series of legally binding rulings. It wants the court to declare that Israel “has breached and continues to breach its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” and to order Israel to cease hostilities in Gaza that could amount to breaches of the convention, to offer reparations, and to provide for reconstruction of what it’s destroyed in Gaza.

    149 months ago

    Never thought I’d ever read someone call South Africa a Hamas ally.

    Damn we really need to do something about this South African sharia regime. Gosh darn 1.5% Muslim population having country speaking out against my god ordained right to kill women and children.

    • rivermonster
      -129 months ago

      Do your history homework. Originally strong ally to the PLO and Arafat and evolved into tight relations with Hamas.