This question popped into my head when I was playing Void Stranger. I just got done with the game and will probably never play it again despite not finishing it. The game is genuinely amazing but it just gets so demanding as you progress through it. I ended up watching the second half of the game on YouTube.

What is your favorite game that you feel is really cool and special but you never felt the pull of actually finishing it, and why?

  • @Denjin
    46 months ago

    Everytime I turn my PC on the WITP icon glares at me accusingly, reminding me that I only ever got halfway through the first turn of the full campaign before my brain refused to go any further.

      06 months ago

      The most fun I’ve had with WITP is the Coral Sea scenario. That scenario epitomizes the carrier tactics of the time and doesn’t get bogged down in logistics or long-term strategy. Almost every turn is tense as you try to find and damage/destroy the other side’s carriers while avoiding being detected yourself. It’s like playing a high-stakes game of tag in the pitch dark with a flashlight and a gun. Have you played that one?

      • @Denjin
        16 months ago

        Yeah but if I’m going to do that I’d probably rather fire up Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan on Vassal instead