Analysis | Testing Tesla’s Autopilot recall, I don’t feel much safer — and neither should you::undefined

    159 months ago

    It’s just irresponsible drivers and Tesla’s own “it’s self driving” advertising ruining it for everyone.

    Maybe if they marketed it as something less than “full self driving” people would be more responsible.

      9 months ago

      Yeah. Well I think they do, technically. Autopilot is just adaptive cruise-control and lanekeeping, both features increasingly also seen in many other vehicles, and is totally separate from the “full self driving” feature. But their confusing messaging over the years (in particular from one highly erratic source…) seems to have convinced some people that all Tesla vehicles are self-driving miracle cars, which in turn I suspect has led them to use autosteer everywhere all the time without paying attention, with predictable consequences…

      I never thought too much about it because autopilot in my model 3 was fine when used normally, but now due to all this it’s getting quite annoying…