Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) bashed former President Trump online and said Christians who support him “don’t understand” their religion.

“I’m going to go out on a NOT limb here: this man is not a Christian,” Kinzinger said on X, formerly known as Twitter, responding to Trump’s Christmas post. “If you are a Christian who supports him you don’t understand your own religion.”

Kinzinger, one of Trump’s fiercest critics in the GOP, said in his post that “Trump is weak, meager, smelly, victim-ey, belly-achey, but he ain’t a Christian and he’s not ‘God’s man.’”

    19 months ago

    Not all of them are bad, but all of them agree blatant sexism, racism, slavery and genocide aren’t deal-breakers.

    “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” ~Steven Weinberg

      49 months ago

      The ‘all’ in your comment makes this incredibly easy to refute. I am a Christian and I believe sexism, racism, slavery and genocide are all deal breakers. Frankly I’m not sure if you’ve met any actual Christians.

      The Bible makes it really clear that not everyone who calls themselves a Christian should be considered one. Have a look at Matthew 7:1-5 and also especially verse 21:

      “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

      Lots of modern ‘Christians’ may have never considered that that verse might apply to them.

      09 months ago

      The person in that quote has lived their entire life as a shut-in. It’s the only way they could possibly think that.

      This person lives in a world in which our prison systems exist. Prisons are ubiquitous, barbaric, and exist out of good intentions (removing criminality from society).

      That’s not at all the only example, but it’s the easiest. Nationalism is evil based on love of country. War is evil as a concept, and the vast majority of wars were due to ideology or resources, and some were straight up just hate. People with the hands technically blood-free ardently supported the Khmer Rouge, for what they earnestly believed were noble reasons.

      Like this whole idea is just nuts. Look right here on Lemmy. People on Lemmygrad are mostly not terrible people, they just exist in a culture that is misguided as fuck. The “Dirtbag Left” movement is reactionary movement to the general (in their view, sterilized, stale, and corporatized) cultural view that communism is a failure and a joke. By being abrasive and uncompromising, they’re really campaigning for legitimacy.

      Now that’s really dumb, for sure, and does not work, as has been proven by their continuous isolation regardless of platform, but it is a plan that is, at least conceptually, noble.