Video just uploaded by Nintendo explaining the Switch and what you can do with it. I guess it’s aimed at Christmas shoppers who haven’t made up their minds yet or something? Still, I found it sort of confusing. It’ll be 7 years old soon, why this video now 🤔

  • macrocarpa
    99 months ago

    In answer to your question about why -

    There are a surprising number of people who don’t game, have a different perception of what gaming is, who have heard about this switch thing but don’t know what it does, who think consoles just plug into the TV etc etc

      69 months ago

      There are also a lot of kids that have just gotten old enough to maybe get their first game console, so showing thier parents that a switch is a good first game console is a good move on Nintendos part, my niece will be in that category next Christmas.