• @MonsiuerPatEBrown@reddthat.com
    9 months ago

    Nah man.

    Conservative means “control the rate of change”. In the context of the USA they are conserving the rate of change from a White Supremacist slaver society to society with the shocking idea of black people are people and black lives matter.

    It is somewhat about money.

    But this post is about the racism and homophobic character that lies at the feet of the Xian white US nationalists core values.

    And that ain’t money. That is about force.

    • DessertStorms
      9 months ago

      First of all, I’m not a man.

      Second of all, you should really read up on the relationship between racism (and patriarchal heteronormativity) and capitalism (hint: they created ways to dehumanise others to justify the pillaging and hoarding of resources. Racism feeds capitalism).

      The idea that they aren’t inextricably intertwined, and that money isn’t used to manipulate marginalised people in to acting against their own interests, is absurd and wilfully ignorant, at best.

      The idea that money has nothing to do with force is beyond ridiculous.

      You will never end racism unless you also abolish capitalism (and vice versa - fighting only capitalism but not racism is just white supremacy).