Young voters overwhelmingly say they would support President Biden over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up if the 2024 presidential election were held today, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the Economist/YouGov poll — conducted via web-based interviews Dec. 16-18 — more than half (53 percent) of registered voters under 30 said they would support Biden, and less than a quarter (24 percent) said they would support Trump.

Another 10 percent said they would support another candidate, 4 percent said they were not sure, and 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote.

    3910 months ago

    Wait, just yesterday young voters didn’t like Biden? I’m beginning to think that maybe the news is all made up 🤪

    • Sabata11792
      2810 months ago

      Still true, no one likes Biden. The alternative just happens to be an evil dictator.

      • GladiusB
        -1110 months ago

        I don’t think that is true. It’s like saying you don’t like a Honda Accord because Ferraris exist. Sure you want everything, but you’ll still appreciate the Accord over the Nike Express.

        • Sabata11792
          1610 months ago

          Its the difference of sitting in an ugly car VS sticking an industrial wood chipper up my ass and turning it on. Ill take the ugly car.

          • GladiusB
            1010 months ago

            Sure. Biden at least does SOME good. He’s not a Bernie or the shakeup we wanted. But it’s far better than the Cheeto.

      1510 months ago

      It’s a fallacy of polling. They only had two choices here. The correct interpretation is they prefer him over Trump, but do not like him.

        1210 months ago

        I don’t like Biden much either, but a tree stump is just unkind. We needed Bernie Sanders, not another TV celebrity. (I do love me some John though)

          1110 months ago

          Love John, but he won’t do it. He’s said in multiple interviews that his place is outside the establishment generating the public will to act, which he couldn’t do as a politician. I don’t blame him. He seems to be more effective at getting change done than most senators or even presidents.

      • Blackbeard
        810 months ago

        If Biden were to drop out there’s a long list of people who really don’t have the clout to galvanize a winning coalition on such short notice. The list of people who do and could win is one person long:

        1. John Stewart
          510 months ago

          Stephen Colbert might be on that list too. And honestly, Harris would probably work for the same reasons as Biden.

      410 months ago

      Not made up. Just a large population.

      I could write an article about how Biden is really a cat and find people on the street to provide quotes for it.

      210 months ago

      There’s a difference between voting for him and liking him. He’s an awful person but the alternative is Trump, so there’s not even as choice there

        1510 months ago

        Biden is not an awful person. He is a person who has spent a lifetime in politics and high office and has a long record to pick away at. People tend to forget that politics is the art of the possible. People who never compromise are radicals, like the Tea Party people, for example. It makes no sense to bitch about the radicals on the right and then denigrate the centrist. If you have specific criticisms, fine that’s fair, but just summing Biden up as “an awful person” is both unwarranted and naive about the nature of politics.

          -610 months ago

          You say that like he isn’t using Trump era restrictions on Asylum still and about to restrict the acceptable basis of “reasonable fear” to send more people back to countries where their lives are in danger.

          Or supporting the genocide in Gaza.

          Or getting rail workers killed because he short circuited their strike to save Christmas.

          Or is blaming the current economic crisis on everything but monopolistic/cartel pricing models in necessities like housing and food. While claiming the economy is stronger than ever.

          I could go on. This is all stuff from his presidency. He is an awful person.

            310 months ago

            People who don’t understand politics: I want my leader to always act uncompromisingly to solve all of the injustices I see.

            The Tea Party and the Freedumb Caucus: Hold my beer…

            People who don’t understand politics: NoT LiKe Thaaaat!

              10 months ago

              I didn’t say he was the worst choice. Just that he is objectively an awful person. He is willing to trade lives of refugees to get more money for Israel who is, right now, conducting summary executions of civilians.

              This doesn’t stop if we don’t acknowledge the problems and pressure him.

              Also, just for fun, I did choose things which he has the authority to unilaterally act on. He can initiate DOJ investigations into price collusion. He can tell Israel to pound sand. He can go back to Obama era Asylum policies. He could have told the rail companies he was willing to stand with the strikers until their very reasonable demands were met.

                410 months ago

                You don’t get it.

                Biden is not a king, he is a politician in a deeply divided democratic country. You don’t agree with the current direction of certain parts of US government policy, which is determined by a huge breadth of considerations. That doesn’t make Biden an “objectively awful person”.

                For comparison, Trump really is an awful person. Even most of his supporters don’t think he is a “good person”, they just don’t care about his antics because he appeals to their fears and baser instincts.

                  010 months ago

                  In many ways the American president is very much a king. If you want to argue that he didn’t have the political capital to do so then sure. But as I said above, these are all things within his power, he doesn’t need Congress for any of them. And what he’s doing with that power is morally repugnant. I would argue he’s losing political capital by the truckload every time we get a new report on Israel’s war crimes.

                  And while he can’t buy weapons for Ukraine without Congress (the goal the GOP is holding hostage to kill more Asylees and Gazans) he can authorize Ukraine as a buyer in their own right and get a deal with Ukraine to pay for the weapons later. (This was done in both world wars)

                  He’s pretending he’s stuck where he can’t do anything because people don’t understand the powers of the executive and it’s convenient for him.

            210 months ago

            There is very little I enjoy as much as the moment when someone like you realizes their ideas make them an unpopular minority.

              -310 months ago

              Oh no, negative 2?!? Whatever will I do with my life!

              Oh wait, I need to go make another post about how the entire 2A debate is being held in bad faith so both sides can profit off of dead children. That will pump those numbers. (You think this is a joke but it’s not. The Brady Campaign’s AWB doesn’t address gun violence, just gun LARPing)