• Garlic, onion. Apple core, peel, and almond have cyanide which if eaten in copious amounts can hurt them. I try to keep them away from citrus. I don’t know if dogs and cat could eat them, but all I know is that other livestock can’t.

    Lillies are extremely dangerous. Just their pollen can shut down animals livers/kidneys. Forgot which. I have too many horror stories of a person purchasing lillies or given as a gift and their curious cat put their nose in the flower.

    Another super dangerous plant are jade. Extremely dangerous. Also any in that family (i think crassula?)

    • setVeryLoud(true);
      1 year ago

      Don’t forget Xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in human food. Completely safe for humans, completely deadly for dogs.

      Also, citruses like Oranges are perfectly safe for dogs in low doses, like 2 segments a day, but apparently cats can’t handle the citric acid.