• @killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Because it’s a gish gallop of mostly thin or discredited arguments, with the strongest at the top to make it look more impressive than it is.

    And even the strongest are piss poor and largely discredited by actual science.

    “My list of reasons is long” doesn’t make any one of those reasons less shoddy than it already is. “I have used scientific words” doesn’t hold water either.

    • 🐑🇸 🇭 🇪 🇪 🇵 🇱 🇪🐑
      117 months ago

      Anytime I see a person gish galloping I employ a three strikes basis. I will humor their first argument. Maybe their second but if by their third all is consistently bullshit, I consider them to not be worth anyone’s time to “debate” and all further arguments from them in their gish galloping will be disregarded.

      Easy way to avoid that? Don’t Gish Gallop.

      • @killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
        37 months ago

        You are far more tolerant than I am. I’d call it a flaw in my approach, but I just found 5 minutes to do a crossword so who’s the real winner? /s

        I’ve tagged them as “dishonest debater” because they have chosen to present themselves as such.

    • @stochasticity@lemmy.world
      57 months ago

      I’ve seen this same list listed before, I’m guessing by the same person. I agree with you. These points have simple explanations.

      I get the impression the list is presented the way it is to exhaust anyone wishing to contradict the points. It’s just not worth the time, especially since it is unlikely the person wants to hear explanations.

      The meme is really cringey tho.

      • @killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I get the impression the list is presented the way it is to exhaust anyone wishing to contradict the points

        Yes, this is the definition of a gish gallop.

    • @SmoothSurfer@lemm.ee
      -67 months ago

      Instead of answering me, it would be much more helpful to come up with an counter argument to mentioned arguments.

      We may debate, it wont resolve something. Time will reveal what is needed to be known or to be accepted. So go on have fun, scroll through lemmy.

      It is just that, you are lazy so you dont debate and instead you shout out hate. If you are not going to debate and express the opposing side that they are wrong; you are simply an asshole, waste of resources(from my pov of course, it all is relative).

      Have a nice day, btw I am an evolutionist(not that it changes sth).

      • @killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        You’re an evolutionary biologist or a believer in evolution?

        I am the latter and suspect you are too, in which case neither of us should be getting our information on science from an unaccredited stranger on the internet.

        Go and listen to Forrest Valkai or someone else who is actually accredited and actively researching those topics.

        I’ll ignore your ad hominems as, they are just that - evidence of your willingness to engage in fallacy - and add nothing useful to any form of discussion.

        Edit: found one while browsing! What are the odds! Post your gallop over there.

        • @Haagel
          -27 months ago

          Removed by mod

          • @killeronthecorner@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            The fact that you would present my opinion as something other than what I stated is evidence that you’re incapable of an honest conversation.

            Do you know what all accredited scientists have in common? That their outputs are available for anyone, even laymen to review, including all the evidence, experimentation and thought work that led them to their conclusions.

            But do you know what a layman can’t do? Peer review the work of accredited scientists. That’s the critical part of the process, because only an accredited scientist has the necessary body of knowledge to be able to meaningfully critique the work of his peers. That’s why we use the word peer.

            You and I can argue about evolution until we’re blue in the face and scientists will keep pushing the envelope regardless of that, producing new, exciting and important discoveries to the benefit of us all.

            I am an accredited scientist in my own field. I discuss it with other scientists every day. I teach laymen every day in the hope that they will achieve accreditation too one day.

            If this is your goal, I wish you all the best, but you won’t achieve it with the primitive thinking of your initial comment. As for layman debate about fields in which neither of us are accredited, I’m not interested given the lackluster quality of your arguments, but stick around long enough and maybe you’ll find someone else to roll around in the mud with.