Google Removes App That Helps People Boycott Pro-Israel Companies::NoThanks was temporarily suspended from the Google Play app store due to a line in its description speaking about Israel.

    1510 months ago

    You are talking about shit that happened 1400 years ago. Such a flimsy and ridiculous excuse for expelling millions of Palestinians from their homes. The entitlement and religious extremism is incredible

      -410 months ago

      How many years of Israeli occupation have to go by until it is no longer considered occupation and Israeli land? There has to be a dividing line between the expulsions 1400 years ago and that time where the land became Palestinian, no? Palestinians and Israelis (Jewish, Muslim, Christian, non-religious, etc.) have an equal claim to existence - many of those that want to disband the colonist state of Israel are also advocating genocide. Genocide doesn’t always mean killing - it also means the destruction of national identity. It’s obvious that a two state solution is necessary to stop and avoid future genocide of both peoples. “River to the sea” never meant coexistence and I think it’s about time people stop advocating for a counter-genocide with that slogan.