• I’m sad for the fish. Imaging being forced into a massive pile of others just like you while being crushed by the weight of them and suffocating to death. It’s fucked up

    • @anonymouse
      1310 months ago

      That has more to do with farming practices though, not plastic pollution.

        • @LemmysMum@lemmy.world
          810 months ago

          Global catastrophy will never be as emotionally convincing as individual suffering. Why empathise with more when you can sympathise with less.

          • @oshitwaddup@lemmy.antemeridiem.xyz
            10 months ago

            The fishing is sadder to me because it’s intentionally causing unnecessary harm. I can see why accidental harm might be sadder though, and it is very sad either way. Systemic injustice and global catastrophe both need to be addressed though obviously

              • The vast majority of humans can thrive/be healthy on a vegan diet, therefore it’s not consuming for survival. That’s an excuse or ignorance (again, for the vast majority of humans, especially those who are reading this. There are always exceptions tho)

                  • the scientific consensus is that a well planned vegan diet can be healthy for all stages of human life. Plant staple foods are some of the cheapest foods around (rice, beans, grains)

                • @LemmysMum@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  Vegans just casually creating a class system to value one life above others.

                  We have a name for the class of animals that eat grass, stay in packs for safety, and lack the individual skills necessary for individal survival. And even they are smart enough to be opportunistic omnivores.

                  The only species of animal stupid enough to consume against their needs and instincts are humans.

                  • What? That’s what you took from vegans saying “stop killing others unnecessarily”?

                    Carnists are literally putting out an idea that values someones sensory pleasure over the lives of others and then acting accordingly and killing by the billions each year.

      • @kaffiene@lemmy.world
        210 months ago

        I don’t get why meat eaters have to make cunt responses like this whenever someone expresses concern over the welfare of animals. And I’m a meat eater