Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI’s power to mislead::Among images of the bombed out homes and ravaged streets of Gaza, some stood out for the utter horror: Bloodied, abandoned infants.

  • @filister@lemmy.world
    110 months ago

    You know in this war there were 57 journalists killed. Coincidence?

    Oh and by the way your beloved IDF has reportedly targeted those people so that less people are trying to humanize those killed by them and put faces behind those numbers.

    • danielfgom
      -710 months ago

      It’s a warzone silly. The chances of anyone standing there with a camera getting killed is very high. They don’t have some magical shield around them…

      That’s nothing to do with the IDF. You need to grow up.

      • @filister@lemmy.world
        410 months ago

        Ah yes, the grown-up who is using an offensive language, very mature of you, mate!

        And this doesn’t change the fact that there are scores of innocent people who are dying every day. And you should question your moral compass if you truly believe that Israeli lives are more precious than Palestinian lives.

        When Hamas killed 1200 people it was horrible, outrageous, etc. but when the IDF was killing 15K (12x more), it was war. Very convenient narrative, don’t you think?

        • danielfgom
          -110 months ago

          If you find that offensive you must have had a very sheltered childhood. Bless.

          I never said Israeli lives were worth more. But those death figures are likely exaggerated. They come from Hamas after all.

          Don’t forget in WW2 millions of Germans were killed in bomb raids of the allies. Sadly this happens in war. I don’t recall anyone shedding a tear or protesting for those German lives…

          • @filister@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Ah yes, another narrative this had happened in the past, why won’t we repeat it. You are having a really twisted moral compass, I am pretty sure if this had happened in Israel you would be more than outraged, but in Palestine it is all fine and part of the game.

            While Israel is continuously and intentionally worsening the humanitarian situation. How is this justified in your books? These people are desperate with nowhere to go, no food, no electricity, no sanitation, no water, living in makeshift tents. Imagine you and your wife with your 6-months old baby need to flee and the n live in such conditions?

            And don’t forget that even your closest ally the US is now criticizing you. But yet, you still have the feeling that all this is justified.

            • danielfgom
              -110 months ago

              The majority of the Palestinians supported and cheered for Hamas everytime they kill Jews. They even hand out sweets to everyone. Just like they did when 9/11 happened - they were cheering and thanking their allah and handing out sweets. Thousands of innocent Americans died and they were cheering.

              Not it’s coming back to them. Jesus said “you reap what you sow” , in other words, what you do to others will come back to you

              They are just getting back what they did to others. I don’t feel sorry at all

              They have no right to the land, never have, they are foreigners,v but the Jews put up with them. And this is how they repay their kindness?

              To hell with all of them. Let them go home to Jordan where they came from.

              • @filister@lemmy.world
                -110 months ago

                Oh so your point is that they should all die, especially the babies and the kids.

                You say you reap what you sow, but isn’t Israel continuously and intentionally trying to antagonize Palestinians with illegal settlements, unfair treatment, limit of their right of free movement, land grab, detention of people without any sentence, creating of multiple checkpoints, etc. There are so many human rights violations, reported by multiple human rights watchdogs, organizations, international entities. What about the settlers violence in the West Bank where none of the settlers were actually held responsible. Weren’t there calls to drop an atomic bomb over both Gaza and West Bank by members of their current government. And what not more. So telling me that one side is at fault while admitting that the other side is also not in fault is clearly showing your bias on this topic.

                And yes, I don’t think that you personally would be very happy if you were treated the way Palestinians are treated.

                The truth is that Israel isn’t much better than Hamas in this conflict, and they are responsible for a lot more innocent people’s deaths and suffering. So yes, while I condemn Hamas and think what they did on the 7.10 is horrible, the response of Israel doesn’t paint them in a much better picture. They destroyed more than 50% of the civilian infrastructure in the Northern Gaza and are well underway to do the same in the south. They just make this small piece of land inhabitable and their master plan is to grab it for themselves too. Same with Jerusalem. Where they decided that this city belongs to them. How isn’t this arrogant move. Shall I remind you that this city is home for 4 different ethnic groups, and calling it their own is a sign of complete ignorance of international law and a sense of impunity.

                • danielfgom
                  -110 months ago

                  No I don’t want to see them die. I’m not promoting death I’m just saying if you start a war, people will die. And if those same people were happy to see Americans and Jews die and celebrated that, you can’t expect many people to suddenly feel sorry for them.

                  If a school bully always laughs every time he beats up someone, then if a bigger boy comes and does the same to him, no one will really feel sorry for him will they?

                  As for allegations of human rights infractions, these are often not accurate and exaggerated in order to illicit outrage.

                  The only time Israel sets foot in Palestinian areas is when a killing or terrorist attack took place and they are looking for the killer. Or if there is a protest and stones, Molotov cocktails and the like are being thrown at them. In that case anyone has a right to defend themselves by shooting back. You would do the same.

                  As for the land issue, the land 100% belongs to Israel. They have continually inhabited it for the last 3200 years at least! The conquering Muslims took over for a long time with successive incursions. But the Jews were always there. Not in mass number but certainly in the thousands. It’s their land.

                  The Palestinians never existed as a people group or nation. They are Arabs, Egyptians and Lebanese (and mixes thereof) which came in the late 1800’s. They just wandered into Jewish land and plonked themselves wherever they wished. Now they say it’s their land. Bullshit! It’s always been Jewish land but they were colonized by the Muslims. The Jews are the natives, not these wanderers.

                  They should return to where they came from. And from what I’ve seen that’s exactly what Israel is planning to do: drive them south into the desert and from there to the surrounding country’s. Gaza will be leveled and Jewish once again.

                  The Jews are fed up of putting up with these foreigners and just want them out. I imagine.