I’m directing this question to all women, not just cisgender ones or ones that menstruate. My understanding is that we all can experience hormonal fluctuations during the month, for some it’s just more predictable or obvious than others. Hormone therapy can have this effect too for our trans sisters. Curious what you notice, if anything.

  • @Nonameuser678@aussie.zone
    57 months ago

    Yeah definitely. I’m experiencing it right now and it sucks. Interestingly, I’m autistic as well and while it makes this worse, I actually think it makes the adhd even more worse. I’ve increased the amount of high intensity cardio exercise I do to see if that helps. But today I’m feeling really defeated, like nothing will make this go away.

    • @ickplant@lemmy.worldOPM
      27 months ago

      That’s rough, I’m sorry. Hopefully tomorrow is better! I definitely have days like this, and they suck.