Haven’t seen a discussion post for the new special, so I’ll get the ball rolling. Thoughts, insights, bits you loved… let it all out.

  • @CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Oh yeah I didn’t mean that as a dig at the inclusivity at all, I loved it. I just meant I really enjoy how much RTD does not fuck around when it comes to making a statement lol.

    Also it’s a very TARDIS move to have a coffee maker built into the console, and also have the console violently explode on contact with coffee.

    • @CeruleanRuin
      57 months ago

      Here’s how I interpreted that scene:

      The TARDIS knows how Donna was fired, it knows she’s a bit clutzy, and it knows she takes subliminal suggestion, especially after being recently demetacrisised. It also misses her and needs her to stay with the Doctor for a while longer. So, predictably, Donna spills her coffee on the console, and the TARDIS is all like WHOOAAAA, oh my, I’m falling, I’m on fire, look at the sparks, we could go anywhere!! Heehee.

      • @CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml
        47 months ago

        Also, I think 14 is the first regeneration since the show came back who didn’t immediately blow the TARDIS up upon regenerating, so it had to take care of it by itself!