OpenAI was working on advanced model so powerful it alarmed staff::Reports say new model Q* fuelled safety fears, with workers airing their concerns to the board before CEO Sam Altman’s sacking

  • Lemminary
    10 months ago

    Who is “fan boying” the company? Can you explain that and how I did that, exactly? And please quote me.

    The real story here is that the model acquired an ability that impressed a lot of people. The press ran with it and fabricated panic for views. Textbook sensationalism. How is that too hard to understand?

    The only reason anyone says “safety” around llm is to generate an alarmist news story for press.

    That’s literally what I’m saying. Lol How do we jump from that to propaganda is my question.

      010 months ago

      3 pieces of “information” have been released:

      1. The board fired him primarily for not being honest with them and other things
      2. The signed letter mentioned most employees were upset about his departure and some are willing to follow him
      3. The signed employee letter mentioned the board being scared and limiting how fast to develop due to security was one of the points of contention.

      From that information, you have decided that ALL media outlets reports of #3 were falsified by all news outlets, but #1 and #2 are solid.

      I’m calling on Occams Razor and saying #3 was damage control from the board rather than all the media outlets faking it.

      I’m saying you’re “fan boying” because you’re giving undue credit to the companies action pushing it over on the media, when the paper signed by 700 employees says the board was incompetent and spreading the information about being scared themselves.

      • Lemminary
        10 months ago

        And yet you missed a very important aspect of fan boying: that I don’t give two shits what happens to the company. What I would be doing more accurately speaking is giving the benefit of the doubt and not drawing conclusions based on nothing, which is vastly different.

        From that information, you have decided

        What the fuck are you on about?

        Miss me with your antisocial shit and name-calling and all your bullshit. Get blocked, run-of-the-mill asshole.