Im building a flashlight and i want to test if a fan in it would be a good idea but the flashlight is really small so i would need a motor thats smaller than 1 cm preferably. I found really good ones at maxon group but unless you order them in bulk(1000+ units) they cost like 400€. So do yall know anywhere i could find them? Thanks in advance! (Edit: Im a complete baffoon and forgot to specify that preferably i would need a water resistant fan. I assumed this because bldc motors without drivers are wter resistant)

    18 months ago

    Hm, that reminds me! If you’re designing your own PCB, some manufacturers will make the PCB out of aluminum for you instead of FR4. This is commonly used for high-intensity LED lights to help keep them cool.

    Here’s some random info about them so you can see what I mean:

    An alternative would be copper-clad polyimide adhered to the body. That also has better thermal properties than FR4.

    • AItoothbrushOP
      18 months ago

      I was already planning to use a copper core pcb. This is pretty common among insanely powerfull lights. The flashlight community has some great examples. But most of these lights use resistor based voltage regulators which waste a lot of energy in the form of heat so im trying to improve on the traditional design.