I am currently in search of the best hosting service for my robotics team’s website. While I am looking for a hosting service at the moment, I do plan to switch to self-hosting in the future. I am open to suggestions on the best hosting services available and would appreciate any advice on how to make the transition and what hardware and OS to use for self-hosting when the time comes.

  • tmat256
    1 year ago

    If your plan is to switch to self hosting then I assume you have the ability to design and build the site. If that is the case then something like Linode or Digitalocean server would be perfect. It would make the eventual transition easier.

    As for hardware, that depends on the expected amount of traffic and what your site has on it. If you’re only getting something like 5 requests per second and your site is mostly like text with some images then a raspberry pi running Linux is more than enough. If the expected amount of traffic is more or maybe you’re also serving videos with a lot of images then you will need more.

    Honestly I would personally never self host a public website. Between things like DoS, random hacking attempts and just natural traffic spikes, there is a lot to consider and build out as far as security and hardware. I would stick to cloud but in the very least use the cloud for now to judge your hardware needs for the future.