Donald Trump’s campaign spokesman defended Trump using “vermin” to describe his enemies, while historians compared his language to Hitler, Mousselini.

    11 months ago

    Biden is dry toast made from wonder bread.

    Oh yah, that’s sold it to me. If you’re wondering where my allegiances lie, I’m a UK citizen living in London. Even the Labour Party here is to the right of me. The Democrats would never accept most of the Parliamentary Labour Party as members because centre-left here equals ‘undemocratically communist’ there. We’ve had universal healthcare since the 1940s and the Democrats still haven’t been able to implement it three quarters of a century later. Why is that? Because the Democrats are just as enthralled by your cult of greed as the republicans are. Yes, the Republicans are worse in that since the Tea Party incursion they are batshit unhinged but it still doesn’t make the Democrats a good choice.

      11 months ago

      You think by calling Biden dry toast that isn’t very nutritious is arguing that democrats are good? Lol

      With that level of critical thought, it’s no wonder you’re defending equating the two sides.

        -211 months ago

        Yeah, what I’m not doing is saying that both sides are equally as bad. That would be a false equivalence. I am pointing out that there would be a lot less room for people to make that false equivalence if one side were actually much better than the other rather than “less bad”.

        But you carry on with your centrist nonsense, with any luck the dry toast is going to beat the fascist rapist because your fellow Americans will elect to eat the rabbit shit sandwich.

          311 months ago

          The issue here and the flaw in your reasoning is that you’re defending Trump by saying “DeMs ArE BaD ToO”. Trump doesn’t deserve defending. Quit peddling the dems are bad too bullshit. No matter how much or little he’s done in his term for the US or any other country, Biden is without a doubt a better choice than fascist, rapist, state secrets selling, man-baby Trump. We all know the two party system sucks. We all know dems aren’t perfect. The point is anyone on the left is better than the scumbag known as Donald Trump, so drop the wannabe centrist bullshit.

            111 months ago

            I’m not defending Trump. That’s where your entire argument falls down. I am bemoaning the lack of an alternative to Trump that would give the American people the choices that they deserve.

            The point is anyone on the left is better than the scumbag known as Donald Trump

            Biden isn’t on the left he’s in the centre. Bernie Sanders and AOC are centre left but they ain’t running the show and never will be.

              -111 months ago

              “I’m from the UK and your left isn’t as left as our left!” No one cares. But I don’t know what I expected. If you just want to die on this hill of extra chromosomes, be my guest. What a waste of time to debate with someone who argues symantics and isn’t capable of reflecting on anything they’re saying.

                011 months ago

                No one cares

                You don’t care that people are going bankrupt because they get cancer? You don’t care your police are running wild and killing innocent civilians? You don’t care that people are still defending slavery?

                OK. I think I have explained myself in full and I don’t get what extra chromosomes have to do with any of it. I’m done. Thank you for your time.

                  211 months ago

                  You don’t care that people are going bankrupt because they get cancer? You don’t care your police are running wild and killing innocent civilians? You don’t care that people are still defending slavery?

                  Oh, centrists care about all of those. They’re the status quo that centrists want to preserve.

          211 months ago

          You called them both shit sandwiches, just one has less shit in it.

          Maybe you could have made that argument pre-trump - but even that would be a stretch even if we can’t get everything we want from Democrats - but now that republicans have been completely captured by trump,who is all but completely openly being fascist, it just makes zero sense.

          “One side literally tried to violently overturn an election they lost, and now their leader is openly using Nazi talking points and threatening the other side. But democrats have failed to pass universal health care, so those people calling them both shit sandwiches do have a point.”

          It’s mind-numbingly dumb.

      211 months ago

      Democrats tried to reform health care in the Clinton terms and under Obama and both times, it was defeated and watered down by medical industry propaganda and Republicans. Meanwhile Republicans want to cut our existing socialized healthcare (Medicare, Medicaid) any chance they can get, and several solidly R states refused to even accept Federal funds and participate in the Medicaid expansion. So saying D’s are as bad on this issue is far from accurate. Try qualifying for Medicaid in a state like Oregon or Colorado vs. Texas or Alabama.