So it looks like Trump has read the fascist playbook or something. I’m not surprised. I am concerned.

Edit: After thinking about it, I guess I am surprised that he can read.

  • Melkath
    11 months ago

    Biden is funding genocide and is working in creating mechanisms that allow him to do so behind closed doors.

    He has also made a few limp wristed pushes for things he has not delivered on, but if he is renewed, he has said he wants to TRY to do some of the things he promised some more.

    To repeat, Biden funding of the genocide of Palestine sailed through with massive success.

    Democrats need to find something better to offer. Fast.

        911 months ago

        Indeed. Need to vote all democrat down the ticket (hopefully with good choices in primaries) for the moment to preserve American democracy and freedom. Once the current fascist/authoritarian push is in the rear view mirror, then we can work on better choices.

        This is Biden’s last chance at a second term, he will not try again if he loses to Trump. Trump on the other hand will probably keep trying until he is dead, in prison, or his health in old age drags him down; Here’s hoping Biden wins this one, and by 2028 Trump’s health will be in decline/prevent him from running.

          811 months ago

          The problem is “for the moment to preserve American democracy and freedom” winds up being every election, unless a genuine leftward push is made at some point down the line.

          If that leftward push never happens, every election is a choice between temporarily halting fascism, and allowing fascism to metastasize.

          • pbjamm
            411 months ago

            The “left” does not control enough of the government to make a serious leftward push. All they can currently manage is halting the advance.

        • Melkath
          111 months ago

          Vote down the line.

          Yes, mimic your enemy. Don’t oppose your enemy.

            911 months ago

            Sadly, the way the game is set up, if you don’t vote for one of the two parties then you are essentially splitting the vote and creating a void in which the party you never wanted to win will now certainly win. It’s the only way to play with the rules we currently have.

            • Melkath
              111 months ago

              Yes, it is a broken system.

              Stop humoring the broken system.

                311 months ago

                Yeah, that simply gives the vote to who you oppose. In fact this is the same propaganda that Russia pushed leading up to the 2016 elections. It’s how Trump won in the first place. Makes me very suspect of your motives.

                • Melkath
                  211 months ago

                  Why do you people keep perpetuating that lie?

                  Show me how my unused vote magically adds to someone I didn’t use it on.

                  No. My unused vote represents the disenfranchised.

                  Your cast vote will represent a genocidal maniac.

                  Stop playing make believe. Be a grown up. Live in reality.

                    211 months ago

                    Dude it’s basic math.

                    If person a gets 20 votes and person b gets 19 votes and if you were going to vote for person b then didn’t, person a wins instead of ties. Do that on a major scale to one party and you get a party that will never win again.

                    So I don’t know where you get off on pretending I’m playing make believe. It makes me think you have to resort to these adhoc attacks because your stance is super weak and you know it.

                11 months ago

                What’s your alternative? Unless there’s a successful January 6th equivalent the options are humoring the system and making progress as best you can or reject the system and maybe engage in resultless protests while letting fascists take over the system. At that point your options become be a fascist or die.

                  11 months ago

                  You can’t prevent fascism through Democracy, because fascism does not rely on Democracy to come into power.

                  Fascism happens through violent seizure of power, and it can only be prevented or defeated through violence.

                  The fact that rhetoric has turned to, “if Republicans ever win again, they’ll actualize a fascist takeover” just shows that we recognize that however many laws or constitutional protections we put in place do not matter; if they did, it wouldn’t matter if Republicans got back in power, because the guardrails would constrain them.

                  But we all know that they’ll disregard those guardrails in order to seize power. Sadly, no one wants to accept the answer about what path that leaves us, and people will keep desperately voting as SCOTUS and the GOP Congress lay the groundwork for a full-scale right-wing takeover. Because in a 2-party system, it’s simply a matter of time before control flips.

            • TheRtRevKaiserM
              711 months ago

              Hi @lolcatnip, we have one rule on Beehaw: Be(e) Nice. If you disagree with another user feel free to express why, but low effort, drive-by insults aren’t really in the spirit of this instance.

      • Melkath
        611 months ago

        Thanks for saying it so clearly.

        People would rather vote for the slow death of America than the fast death of America.

        People. You don’t need to vote for the death of America. You have that choice.

        They conditioned you to think you must support evil.

        We can still show that we don’t support evil.

          11 months ago

          Are you talking about protesting by not voting or wasting a vote on a 3rd party? Without ranked choice voting, the only good spot for that is primaries and small local elections. The lesser of two evils is still the lesser of two evils. Life will be a hell of a lot worse for tons of people if the former guy wins again.

            11 months ago

            The problem is that eventually the GOP is going to win a presidential election. In a 2-party system, it’s an eventuality, no ifs, ands, or buts.

            Unless we radically reshape our government, that GOP fascist takeover being planned for now IS going to happen, but Democrats aren’t even talking about that, they’re just trying to cling to the broken status quo for as long as they can.

          • Melkath
            211 months ago

            Right, and that is why I’m not saying to vote for a third party.

            I am saying don’t vote.

            Stop humoring a broken system.

              611 months ago

              That’s not a solution and the same result as voting for a third party. No one in America is going to care that you didn’t vote.

        • pbjamm
          611 months ago

          Biden is plunging America into fascism? I was pretty sure this article was about Trump and the GOP but perhaps I misread it.

          • Melkath
            211 months ago

            Ya, and the article is a propaganda post to scare you into accepting and being complicit in genocide.

            Biden and Trump are both fascists.

            We kept voting lesser evil and now both parties are fascist.

              • Melkath
                111 months ago

                Acting in defiance of the votes and voice of the constituents. Funding genocide and working to do so unilaterally behind closed doors.

                Yup. Sounds pretty fascist to me.

                  211 months ago

                  The majority of Americans support Israel, so they are not acting against the interests or voice of their constituents.

                  • Melkath
                    111 months ago

                    Are you sure about that?

                    The majority of Americans are supporting the Palestinian genocide right now?

                    Every report I have heard is that Biden’s already abysmal approval rating TANKED the moment he started funding the genocide.

                    Last I checked, the average American is pretty anti-genocide.

      11 months ago

      And you’re going to turn to the GOP, who is willing to deport you to the ME even if you are a natural born American? Good luck with that.

      And keep in mind, the GOP position on the Hamas terrorist attacks is to give Israel all the arms and funding they want.