Someone told police the group hiking through Saxony in eastern Germany were “foreigners”.

    78 months ago

    As Germany struggles with labour shortages in many sectors, local business leaders regularly express concern that the rise of the AfD may be harming eastern Germany’s economic prospects.

    You say “labour shortages” but I hear “salary shortages”. Oh well!

    • 7heo
      8 months ago

      Nah, the area is already famous for its unwelcoming dickheads of inhabitants. Like, I know Leipzig is supposed to be partly great and all, and it’s a far cry from Dresden or Chemnitz, yet, I have never been there, mainly for political reasons: way too many nazis.

      You could have offered me a job there with 2 or 3 times the amount I was paid in other parts of Germany and I would still not have taken it. Clearly not a financial issue.