Her Instagram post, translated in the link:

“Come on settlers, we will slaughter you. We are waiting for you in all the cities of the West Bank. What Hitler did to you was a picnic. We will drink your blood and eat your skulls”

She has since been arrested:

  • @stella@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Now, imagine Jews having this sentiment towards Nazis during WW2.

    After all, they’re doing to Palestinians what Nazis did to them.

    • Franzia
      1411 months ago

      I think a better comparison is the Berlin Wall. Palestinians have blue and green pass cards that dictate where they can go. Or even a Separate But Equal, ala American segregation. I mean Palestinians are limited to certain hospitals, denied utilities and free travel. They drive on separate roads, walled off from the Israeli roads.

      … But then thats just the ones outside Gaza. Gazans can’t leave and spend their days in abhorrent poverty, now while dodging bombs.

    • @Pipoca@lemmy.world
      511 months ago


      They’re rounding up Palestinians, making them dig a trench, and using it as their mass grave after mowing them all down?

      They’re putting Palestinians into showers and gassing them all?

      They’re tying the hands of Palestinians together on a riverbank, and shooting one of them so they fall into the water and cause the rest to drown?

      Don’t get me wrong: what Israel is doing is absolutely atrocious. But the Nazis engaged in a deliberate effort to depopulate Europe’s Jews. In 1933, there were about 9.5 million Jews in Europe. The Nazis murdered 6 million Jews, and only stopped because they lost the war. In 1900 there were ~590k German Jews. Only about 28k survived the holocaust.

      If Israel were trying to replicate the holocaust on the Palestinians, they’d be doing a shit job of it. The Palestinian population has grown literally every year, despite all the disproportionate retributions. The situation in Gaza is terrible and Palestinians have faced a lot of repression, but it’s not really very similar to the Holocaust.

      • @stella@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        Weird how both you and the other guy have prepared statements already to deny that this is a Israeli genocide of Gazans just like the Holocaust was the German genocide of Jews.

        They are on the same level. You don’t want to admit that because you’re trying to defend it.

        Nazis also denied they were committing genocide for as long as possible. It was a good tactic to round up as many Jews as possible before people caught wind of what was going on.

        • @Pipoca@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          They are on the same level. You don’t want to admit that because you’re trying to defend it.

          I’m not saying Israel is good, here.

          I’m saying that the depravity of the Nazis was next level. That they were completely inhumane monsters. What have you seen that even comes close to something like the sheer depravity of Josef Mengele? The industrialized death of Treblinka? The Nazis literally wiped out the entire Jewish population of Kyiv overnight; over 30k people were massacred in a single event, buried in a particular ravine and only 29 people managed to escape.

          What israeli massacres have you seen that even come close to that? I’m being serious, here. Bombing a refugee camp or sniping kids at a protest is pretty fucking bad, but it’s not nazi bad.

          • @ShortBoweledClown@lemmy.one
            11 months ago

            If Israel WAS intentionally targeting civilians

            I guess you’re just ignoring them openly admitting targeting refugee camps and schools.

            Keep up the mental gymnastics, you’re doing great

            Edit: Forgot to mention the journalists they’ve been targeting as well.

              • TheDankHold
                2411 months ago

                Gunning down journalists isn’t the “sad reality of war”. It’s an intentional war crime that also helps them control the narrative so people like you will get tricked into thinking the IDF isn’t a barbaric organization that kills indiscriminately.

                  • TheDankHold
                    1211 months ago

                    Because that’s the reporting you’ve looked at. If you’re talking about the journalists they’ve sniped and bombed then yeah those were very intentional. Aside from that they very clearly don’t mind huge collateral when they strike Palestinian homes so in that respect, yes it’s very clearly indiscriminate.

                    This line of argument is curious though. Do you think that if their war crimes were deliberately done instead of indiscriminately would that absolve them in your mind?

                    Because all you’re doing is dancing around this human rights atrocity with semantics.

              • @ShortBoweledClown@lemmy.one
                811 months ago

                You replied about the schools, but not the refugee camp. Does that one make you uncomfortable?

                If that’s the case, why do they suck so much at it?

                Assuming you’re naive and not trolling, it’s to maintain plausible deniability. Just look at what China is doing. They’ve slow rolled their genocides and the world is largely turning a blind eye. Bibi wasn’t clever enough to realize that though apparently.

                  • @ShortBoweledClown@lemmy.one
                    711 months ago

                    TLDR: Genocide is OK because my team is doing it. Let me explain why these warcrimes don’t matter.

                    Thinking they’re just maintaining plausible deniability and slow rolling it is such a stupid take, I don’t even know where to begin. I think even you know that doesn’t match up with reality.

                    You must have a hard time with reading comprehension. I said China is slow rolling which is why the world turns a blind eye. Bibi went to hard out of the gate and now everyone is watching.

                    Unless you’re also denying China’s genocide against the Uyghurs too?

                    I guess expecting reading comprehension was asking too much out of a Genocide and warcrimes apologist.

    • @kromem@lemmy.world
      111 months ago

      Oh really?

      Can you show me where the IDF had a doctor take two Palestinian twin children, cut open their backs, sew them back together back to back?

      Or infect one twin with typhoid and then do an organ transplant from that one to the other?

      Does an IDF doctor have a wall of different colored eyeballs harvested from Palestinians?

      Remove their bones, muscles, and nerves without anesthesia?

      Maybe attach a 7 year old girl’s urinary tract to her own colon?

      The Holocaust is in its own category for a reason, and just because it’s become posh to compare literally everything to it or Hitler doesn’t mean that those things are actually comparable.

          • TheDankHold
            111 months ago

            I’m sure that’ll be really comforting to a child whose family got shot by settlers in the West Bank.

            • @kromem@lemmy.world
              211 months ago

              Right, but unless those children are then being put in ovens and burnt to ash, it’s literally not a Holocaust which gets its name from the type of animal sacrifice in antiquity where the whole animal was burnt to ash.

              That’s why the Holocaust is called the Holocaust.

              We can still talk about genocide as a bad thing like the Armenian genocide, or Russian actions in Ukraine, or what happened in Rawanda, etc.

              But none of those were Holocausts, and neither is this.