original: https://youtu.be/ybvcv3-4--A?t=44
StreetView 2015: https://www.google.de/maps/@39.2488604,-106.2917636,3a,75y,310.14h,76.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMDlISJHKc8hCFMdg59ucRg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
Not exactly the same spot, but, yeah. Interesting to see how many of those old wooden houses still are in use today.
Man I miss Leadville. I live in NY now but used to live in Denver. We would try to make it up to Leadville whenever possible. Loved the Leadville Boom Days and the mining college museum. The Leadville 100 is on my bucket list.