I personally find that syntax a bit confusing because it looks like it’s traversing members of structs/records/objects. It also looks like the composition operator in Haskell but is read in opposite order.
I’m sure it’s perfectly fine when actually working in D but it’s not as obvious as pipes imo.
Elixir… please I want an Elixir job
The most beautiful language. Why doesn’t every language have pipes?
I find Universal Function Call Syntax a much nicer solution than pipes, although I don’t think it’s quite as broad.
For example, taking the example from elixir’s home page:
"Elixir" |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.frequencies()
would be
in something like D
I personally find that syntax a bit confusing because it looks like it’s traversing members of structs/records/objects. It also looks like the composition operator in Haskell but is read in opposite order.
I’m sure it’s perfectly fine when actually working in D but it’s not as obvious as pipes imo.
You can add parenthesis if you prefer
Mario’s favorite character
Elixir is such a beautifully designed language, my favorite language BY FAR.
(I want an Elixir job too 🥹 )