• Blue and Orange
    1748 months ago

    I think Israel is losing the information war on this recent crisis. They’re trying to defend the indefensible. There’s no way to spin “we dropped a bomb on a refugee camp” into something acceptable. And people are seeing the bullshit for what it is.

    • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      448 months ago

      They really screwed the pooch on this one from a messaging stance. Stepping back from the emotions and the war crimes and just looking at their propaganda, it’s just being handled sloppily. Propaganda has always been Israel’s superpower, and they’re doing a terrible job of it.

      You don’t defend the bombing of a refugee camp by saying “There may have been tunnels or infrastructure.”

      At this point you just lie and say you know there were military objectives. Or pull a play from the US and count the bodies and claim that any body of a “military-age male” was a combatant.

      Admitting on international television that you knowingly and intentionally bombed a bunch of civilians you absolutely knew you were killing just in case there might be bad guys among them is a bad look.

      • @barsoap@lemm.ee
        348 months ago

        Propaganda has always been Israel’s superpower, and they’re doing a terrible job of it.

        They’re using the exact same kind of messaging they’re using internally to their own right-wing and scared centre, “tough guys making hard decisions to keep you safe” kind of stuff. To people who went on school trips to Auschwitz with armed Israeli security – not because visiting Poland wouldn’t be safe, but out of a mixture of security theatre and propaganda. It just doesn’t work if you aren’t part of that particular information bubble. They seem to have forgotten that it doesn’t even work on the Israeli left wing so why should it work on random people from elsewhere.

        Also stunts like the yellow stars in the security council. Come the fuck on crocodile-teared self-victimisation can’t possibly be more blatant, and it’s fucking disgusting how they trivialise the Holocaust with that shit.

      • @dangblingus@lemmy.world
        168 months ago

        I think you’re underestimating just how much Islamophobia exists in the world. People don’t mind if brown people get killed.

      • @Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
        58 months ago

        I think it’s a combination of pushing boundaries of tactics that were previously working well enough for them and not realising that over time, more and more people become aware that Israel is a present day colonial country still doing some of the evil shit we’re not proud of our own countries for doing in the past. And people are more willing to challenge the anti-semitism accusations because there’s a huge difference between hating people for existing and hating what an authoritarian power is doing to a population it hates for not quietly letting them take more and more of their land.

        Not to mention I don’t think the response to 9/11 was a good one either and evoking that seems to be one of the prongs of their propaganda attack. There’s a comment a bit higher up doing that exactly, but it’s kinda funny because in the first paragraph it sounds like it’s making a 9/11 reference ironically, but then the 2nd paragraph shows it was serious.

      • @dx1@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        At this point you just lie and say you know there were military objectives. Or pull a play from the US and count the bodies and claim that any body of a “military-age male” was a combatant.

        One of them tried that same claim in an interview yesterday. Not Hecht, but an older guy - he said, seeing the video of the cleanup effort (men sorting through rubble), “a lot of those look like military age males”.

    • Ænima
      298 months ago

      Well, they keep killing them, but the reporters keep reporting! /s

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      138 months ago

      they might be losing the information war but they’ll always have the support of the governments of the english speaking world and they don’t actually need to win the information war. they’re winning the kill-the-other-guys war and no one who can do anything about it wants to.

      • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
        68 months ago

        Even Western governments are getting uncomfortable about this. I think Israel overestimates just how far they can go before the West starts to consider pulling their support.

        • @ferralcat@monyet.cc
          108 months ago

          LoL. Western governments still aren’t even saying “please stop” let alone pulling the billions in funding that’s being used to do this.

          I expect Israel just out and out kill everyone is Gaza this time and take the land thinking it will end this problem forever. I expect in 10 years they’ll figure out they failed when another attack happens.

          • @atyaz@reddthat.com
            38 months ago

            How will that be a failure? They’ll have finished the ethnic cleansing of the region and added more land. Another terrorist attack that kills a few people will just give them another casus belli to do another genocide somewhere else, probably in the west bank next.

        • @floofloof@lemmy.ca
          28 months ago

          Even if the West “starts to consider” maybe not wholeheartedly backing Israel’s brutal actions, it will be some time before they do anything about it, if they ever do. Until then Israel will continue killing.

      • @abuttandahalf@lemmy.ml
        58 months ago

        They are only winning if killing civilians is winning. It isn’t, France killed tens of thousands of Algerians before being promptly defeated and expelled. Same thing happened in Vietnam. The Palestinian resistance is inflicting huge losses in the Israeli army. Scores of destroyed tanks and dead israeli soldiers every day

        • Alien Nathan Edward
          78 months ago

          They are only winning if killing civilians is winning

          That is the goal that they’ve stated repeatedly

          • @Mrkawfee@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            They will literally want a blood price measured in tens of thousands of bodies. At the funeral of mass murderer Baruch Goldstein a Rabby famously said “one million Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail”

          • @Wakmrow@lemmy.world
            28 months ago

            I’m not downplaying the deaths of 10,000 people or that 30,000 have been injured. There are over a million displaced and over 2 million Palestinians live in Gaza, more in the West Bank and more in the surrounding countries.

            Israel cannot win this. It is impossible to accomplish their genocide. That’s after weeks of bombing spending who knows how much on munitions. Logistically it’s impossible.

          • @abuttandahalf@lemmy.ml
            08 months ago

            They can’t genocide the entire Palestinian people and they are not going to be able to expel the gazans. They think that murdering thousands will deter Palestinians from resisting, but that’s hugely incorrect. We can, as colonized people have shown before us, withstand huge bloodshed. Colonizers cannot. The scale of resistance is only increasing, and once it reaches the tipping point of inflicting what the Israelis can’t endure, this occupation will be over.

    • @stella@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      Yeah, but it’s pretty damning to see all the astroturfing on social media, blacklisting from companies, and crackdowns on peaceful protests by governments.

      I think we’re witnessing one big Streisand-effect here where people are fed up at having others choose what they can see and what they can say.

      I’m very proud at how the narrative didn’t snowball in Israel’s favor. If anything, this caused people who blindly supported Israel to learn more about the history of the region and why there is conflict in the first place.

      If you weren’t anti-Zionist before, you’re probably one now.

    • @calypsopub@lemmy.world
      28 months ago

      Not if you look at my Facebook feed full of evangelicals saying “I stand with Israel cause the Bible says so”

    • @SCB@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Posted this above but I’ll copy here, since you seem to be making the same mistake as Wolf.

      Friendly reminder this is an urban center with 50k people normally living in it, with permanent concrete buildings. This is not a bunch of tents and soup pots.


      They killed a battalion of Hamas fighters. This is just how war functions

      Blitzer not knowing the facts of this “camp” just kind of makes him look like an amateur.

      Edit: also it’s in the North and bombings are why they said to move south for 2 solid weeks.

      • Ook the Librarian
        228 months ago

        There’s no way to spin “we dropped a bomb on a refugee camp” into something acceptable.

        Just wanted to quote the post you’re replying to. Add all the context you want, you’re only making sound more like genocide.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        118 months ago

        They did not kill a battalion. Not even Israel is claiming that. They may have killed a battalion commander. And Israel still isn’t letting refugees flee through their lines so that’s still a terroristic threat not a warning.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        98 months ago

        Edit: also it’s in the North and bombings are why they said to move south for 2 solid weeks.

        Civilians not getting out of the way before you bomb is not an excuse for you to bomb.

        If they don’t move, then you need to find another way of taking out your enemy.

        • @SCB@lemmy.world
          -98 months ago

          If they don’t move, then you need to find another way of taking out your enemy.

          Is this really how you think wars work?

          • Cosmic Cleric
            58 months ago

            Is this really how you think wars work?

            Ask someone who is a career military officer someday about the Rules of Engagement that they learn.