
  • centopus
    08 months ago

    Its one-dimentional. “She’s awesome, men are shit”. Its kind of fun for first 3-4 episodes after which it gets tiresome, because its just more of the same. There’s no character development, because she’s awesome from start. There’s no obstacles to overcome. Its like playing a game in god mode. Fun for a moment.

    Try it.

    • @CeruleanRuin
      8 months ago

      At no point did the show say that “men are shit”. Fuck, it has Matt Murdock and Bruce Banner in it, both of whom are depicted as cool, stand-up dudes who are anything but shit. It also has Wong, who is awesome, and Pug, who is a bit of a good but also pretty cool.

      If you’re getting “men are shit” then you’re identifying with the wrong characters, and that’s a you problem.

      And yeah, she’s awesome, she’s a damn superhero. Did you have this same problem with Captain America or Iron Man? It’s not even remotely true that there are no obstacles for her, it’s just that the stakes are different because it’s a workplace sitcom. I don’t get this line of argument at all. How is “She’s awesome” supposed to be a criticism?

    • BruceTwarzen
      08 months ago

      I thought it was probably more amusing when you know the: “men are usesless and women are perfect”
      But the worst part of the show for me is just that it’s very very boring. They kinda treat the audience like idiots.

      • @CeruleanRuin
        8 months ago

        “men are usesless and women are perfect”

        That’s not in there at all. The point was that when high profile women screw up in public they get shit on relentlessly, but men in the same position will more often than not get away with being shitty constantly. The women have to be perceived as perfect just to stay out of the crosshairs.