• @glimse@lemmy.world
    168 months ago

    Your point would hold more weight if this was the only example of such an incident. His father wasn’t the first person he knew who was killed by an Israeli soldier…the same group that’s kept him behind barbed wire fences his whole life.

    I’m not excusing it but you’re way oversimplifying it. How could you blame a kid for demonizing all Israelis with all that he’s seen? It’s not like he’s been allowed to mingle with the good citizens of Israel even if they’re the majority

    • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
      -78 months ago

      I’m not excusing it but you’re way oversimplifying it. How could you blame a kid for demonizing all Israelis with all that he’s seen?

      This is the most depressing part in some ways. Hamas indoctrinates the kids and teaches them to hate all Jewish people and that all are to blame. How do you deprogram them from that, especially when they see so many people dying in airstrikes?

      Here’s an example of it that seems credible from a decade ago.


      The members of Hamas who killed and butchered and kidnapped innocent people grew up being taught to gleefully shoot their enemy and that their enemy was everyone.

      I can’t think of a feasible solution, and I problem solve for a living. It really upsets me that there’s just no real path to peace.

      • @Sparlock@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        You think a kids cartoon was what caused them to hate Israel, and not witnessing the IDF killing their friends and family as they grew up?

        You have to be taking the piss.

        • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Not at all. The kids cartoon was propaganda to misdirect their hate. Hating Israel for the IDF slaughtering their loved ones? That’s a given. But hating Israeli civilians and Jews for that? That’s the propaganda teaching them to direct their hate at everyone else, not just those responsible.

          It’s very basic manipulation. People who are hurting emotionally or economically are more easy to convince that all of X is to blame for their problems.

    • @steventhedev@lemmy.world
      -118 months ago

      It’s not oversimplified. It’s a statement of principles.

      The reality of our world is that murderers walk free all the time. But saying “x caused y and we should fix the root cause of this” is wildly different than saying “can you blame him?” Because the answer to that is yes! You can blame him for choosing violence and choosing terror.

        • @steventhedev@lemmy.world
          08 months ago

          If you truly believe that violence is the only answer the Palestinians have, then you’ve given up any hope for peace.

          • @glimse@lemmy.world
            08 months ago

            Feel free to answer my question on what other choice the boy has but to fight.

            Because the only other option I see in this boy is to die. Either self-inflicted, at the hands or those who liked your father, or slowly by starvation and disease.

            • @steventhedev@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              I’ll answer your question and hopefully you’ll answer mine.

              The hypothetical boy could choose life. He could work in agriculture, or study, or literally just live his life. Palestinians are not starving on a daily basis, and certainly not in the west bank. He can go on with his life, get married, have kids, and literally choose to move on and not take violent revenge.

              Now my question for you: do you support Hamas?

              I ask because It sounds like you drank the Hamas koolaid. Their charter literally state that every Palestinian must engage in violent resistance, and have no alternative.