• AutoTL;DRB
    28 months ago

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    The two leaders haven’t spoken since they last met on the sidelines of a summit of the Group of 20 economies in Bali, Indonesia, in November.

    Since then, tensions have heightened between Washington and Beijing over the downing of an alleged Chinese spy balloon over U.S. territory and China’s stance on the war in Ukraine.

    Officials from both countries discussed some of the details Friday as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Secretary of State Blinken and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

    While the talks with Biden would be the first time in a year Xi has met with his U.S. counterpart, it would come shortly after his meeting with California Gov.

    During the roughly three-hour meeting, Xi told Putin that China supports Russia in safeguarding its national sovereignty, security and development interests, according to a readout published by the Chinese Foreign Ministry that did not mention Ukraine.

    Biden recently submitted a new funding package to Congress seeking additional aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, another point of contention between the U.S. and China.

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