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TLDR: Apple wants to keep china happy, Stewart was going after china in some way, Apple said don’t, Stewart walked, the show is dead.

Not surprising at all, but sad and shitty and definitely reduces my loyalty to the platform. Hosting Stewart seemed like a real power play from Apple, where conflict like this was inevitable, but they were basically saying, yes we know, but we believe in things and, as a big company with deep pockets that can therefore take risks, to prove it we’re hosting this show.

Changing their minds like this is worse than ever hosting the show in the first place as it shows they probably don’t know what they’re doing or believe in at all, like any big company, and just going for what seems cool, and undermining the very idea of a company like Apple running a streaming platform. I wonder if the Morning Show/Wars people are paying close attention.

    1 year ago

    Since we’re pulling rank, I worked in Finance, specifically the Investment Banking and the Funds industries, some of which being very well know names (Fidelity, Deutsche Bank, even Lehman Brothers back when they still existed), always in the EMEA divisions which, unlike our US colleagues, deal with cross-currency trades all day every day (because EMEA actually means Europe Middle-East and Asia, so it’s a lot more than just trades on USD priced assets, for USD books, settled in USD).

    So I’m quite familiar with exactly what cross-currency exchange rates mean, and it’s painfully obvious that you have absolutelly no clue what you’re talking about when you’re quoting a cross-currency exchange rate by itself and claiming that alone is proof of comparitive advantage.

      -31 year ago

      Lmao you either didn’t work in finance or can’t parse simple comments, which is why you no longer work in finance, but nothing I have said is incorrect whatsoever

      Best of luck in your career move