• @thantik@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      So I’m gonna come over to your house and commandeer 2 bedrooms. You can’t do anything about it, because that would be violent and non-productive. Thanks for the 2 bedrooms. I’m gonna shit on the carpet and in 10 years send my children to take the rest of your house. But again, you can’t do anything because that would be violent and non-progressive.

      Because you know, wouldn’t want there to be any conflict or anything.

      • @freagle@lemmygrad.ml
        -39 months ago

        This is so brain dead. Let’s frame using your idiocy.

        Russia is a house. Ukraine is a house. USA is a house. Russia gave up on their project of building a workers’ state and attempted to join the liberal capitalist world dominated by the USA. The USA sent economists to Russia’s house. The economic reforms killed as many people as though Russia had been invaded.

        Still, Russia wanted to join the USA’s economic dominance. But, the USA had built a transnational nuclear military specifically to counter the Russian military. They staffed it with officers from the Third Reich. They built Operation Gladio, Operation Paperclip, and Operation Aerodynamic. These operations grabbed the most violent bullies in the world and protected them, put them into houses neighboring Russia’s house, and took the one’s already there and gave them all weapons and training.

        Still, Russia wanted to join the USA’s economic dominance. They asked the USA to not expand NATO to its borders, sorry, to it’s front lawn because that would be impossible for Russia to defend against. Russia was run by a stooge that the USA controlled. That stooge hand-picked Putin under USA guidance. Putin continued attempting to appease the USA despite it’s bullying. Russia was trying to join NATO to ensure mutual security concerns could be discussed in committee instead of on the battle field.

        The USA finally rejected Russia explicitly and kept training and arming bullies. Every time the HOA tried to ban the practice of glorifying the Nazi bullies in the neighborhood, the USA vetoed it.

        The USA kept building more and more gangs and they kept building more supply lines and more weapons and more capabilities and finally tried to install those capabilities on Russia’s front lawn. During this time, Russia escalated its readiness and it even took military action to prove that if the gangs kept coming they would react.

        The gangs kept coming.

        Russia reacted.

        Your story has absolutely ZERO relevance to the actual history of the situation.

      • @bdonvr@thelemmy.club
        -389 months ago

        Stop trying to simplify geopolitics into interpersonal metaphors.

        In your metaphor what is the billions in human killing machines that NATO et al supply to Ukraine? Who would be the thousands dead and families destroyed?

        • @thantik@lemmy.world
          319 months ago

          I’ll stop simplifying geopolitics as soon as you recognize the right of the Ukrainian people to defend their land by whatever means is necessary. Every nation in the history of mankind has conscripted its citizens to aid in its defense. Russia will continue to take, and take, and take until someone shows them they cannot take freely any more. This anti-war absolutism is Russian propaganda designed to further their goals of illegal annexation of territory belonging to Ukraine.

        • SanguinePar
          139 months ago

          You know what would have prevented that? Russia not invading Ukraine.