They think trans women have an unfair advantage in… fishing?

Three members of an English women’s fishing team in England are refusing to compete at the world championships due to the fact that one of their own teammates is trans.

The Shore Angling World Championships will take place in Italy in November, and the board of the sport’s governing body, the Angling Trust, has said it will not prevent trans angler Becky Lee Birtwhistle Hodges from applying to compete.

  • Grammaton Cleric
    149 months ago

    Seriously. Do they think men have an advantage over women because it’s normal for a dad to take his son fishing growing up? I really can’t think of any other reason.

      9 months ago

      Women’s sport is not necessarily about having a physical advantage. It can be the case that the sport is simply male dominated and then, especially when there’s no physical reason, women may feel like it should be advertised to girls more. And that’s what then leads them to organize women-only championships.

        39 months ago

        Exactly, which is why e-sports sometimes have women’s tournaments. Genders play no role here but it’s a male dominated sport

    • Throwaway
      59 months ago

      Well yeah, thats pretty much it. The womens team is there to get more women in fishing. Sure, a dad might take his daughter to the lake to fish and the deer lease to hunt a few times, but its not as common as a dad taking his son.

        • Throwaway
          9 months ago

          Thats not really a concern. Not saying crazy assholes don’t exist, but thats not why womens league exist. Besides, it would be easy to see she caught a bigger fish.