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In case anyone is wondering, it’s rqd2.

The definition of paraphilia is “a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities.”, which can inclde pedophilia.

It has recieved 4 censures from fediseer due to the content contained on that instance

Not a good look for Lemmy to be promoting any instance like that.

You can see for yourself here

Update: A pull request was sent to remove the sus instance. It should no longer show up soon

    1609 months ago

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that they are trying to make trans people look bad.

      709 months ago

      Yeah, I think Poe’s Law may be in full effect here. The law basically states that without some sort of signifier that it is parody, it’s impossible to create a parody of an extremist that is so extreme that it’ll never be mistaken as genuine. It was originally applied to fundamentalist Christians, but has since been expanded to pretty much any trolling or extremist viewpoints.

      I genuinely hope that it’s a troll trying to make trans people look bad. Because that’s honestly the best-case scenario. The idea of this person actually existing is more gross than the alternative. Because if they actually exist, then it means they’re not just a troll trying to make trans people look bad. It means they’re a goddamned predator who needs to be sequestered away from the rest of society, and should never be allowed near children.

      09 months ago

      They’re edgy teenagers. They’re hearing adults talk about these horrible trans pedophiles, and they want to rebel against their parents.