The-creature-that-crawled-forth-from-the-rotting-cavity-of-Colin-Robinson made me laugh so much, seeing Colin’s head on a child’s body was very Aphex-Twin-esque
Ohmygod. The bikini image is burned into my retina. Some think of baseball facts, or Margaret Thatcher on a cold day, but that thing is firmly entrenched in my own toolset of orgasm speed bumps (along with the bear suits).
Pretty sure that was 6yr-old Colin Robinson, already. (Some of those CG heads were wacky)
The-creature-that-crawled-forth-from-the-rotting-cavity-of-Colin-Robinson made me laugh so much, seeing Colin’s head on a child’s body was very Aphex-Twin-esque
Ohmygod. The bikini image is burned into my retina. Some think of baseball facts, or Margaret Thatcher on a cold day, but that thing is firmly entrenched in my own toolset of orgasm speed bumps (along with the bear suits).