• @carl_dungeon@lemmy.world
    1511 year ago

    It’s weird how all the things fucking up our country have been Republican lead- it’s almost like they don’t have people’s, or the country’s best interests at heart? Crazy coming from such flag waving patriots…

    • Making sure, that Putins and Xis interests are protected… The Republican party is evidently chilling for Russia and at least by coalignment helping China tremendously too. How these traitors are not rotting in prison cells is beond my understanding. But well at least it is entertaining to watch from afar.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆M
        -211 year ago

        Nobody has done more to advance Russian and Chinese interests than the democrats in the past year and a half. We now have a whole new world economy that’s completely independent of the west emerging around BRICS. This would have never been possible had US not decided to fight an economic war with Russia and cut it out of the global financial system. The proxy war has also exposed the west as being incapable to defeat Russia on the battlefield and showed that western weapons do not live up to the hype.

        • Vode An
          -31 year ago

          Western Wunderwaffe cannot lose, the Ukrainians are just using them wrong /s

          • @GoodEye8@lemm.ee
            61 year ago

            Bernie Sanders supported the carpet bombing of Yugoslavia. He is not a socialist.

            You can be critical of politicians and I have nothing against that. But those two things, if the first thing is even real, are not even close to being even remotely connected. One is strictly foreign policy while the other is pretty much economic policy (or at the very least social policy) and definitely not foreign policy. A person can be a socialist and want to nuke every capitalist country in the world. It most definitely isn’t a good idea nor one people should support, but it doesn’t mean that person isn’t a socialist. Similarly you can criticize Sanders for supporting bombing Yugoslavia (Once again, if it’s true. I don’t know and frankly I don’t care), but his foreign policy does not mean he isn’t a socialist.

            I’m also not saying he’s definitely a socialist. Some of his political positions are socialist while others are more socialist-adjacent, so he’s somewhere on the border of socialism and depending on your own beliefs he may or may not be a socialist. I haven’t gone over everything he stands for (because I’m not American and I don’t care that much about American politics) but I personally would call him more of a social democrat than a democratic socialist.

    • @PunnyName@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      They literally want less government.

      You’ve all seemingly misunderstood my comment. Oh well, downvote away.

      • @BigMacHole@lemm.ee
        401 year ago

        That’s why they want politicians to tell us what medical procedures we can get, why they want women to not be able to leave their states, why they want governments to pick and choose what books people can read and even what nicknames you can be called! Because small Government!

      • Stoneykins [any]
        301 year ago

        That isn’t really true, now or ever. It is old, crusty propaganda. It is their excuse for their actions of opposing any and all (useful and fair) government spending, but they really just want to funnel all that same amount of government money, if not more, into the pockets of the people who bribe them. They also obviously don’t believe this as far as personal liberties, they want more power with which to control all finances to their own ends.

        None of that is “small” it is better described as “ineffective” or how I see it, “not designed for your benefit”

      • @brygphilomena@lemmy.world
        191 year ago

        They want to show the government is “failing” so they can gut it and replace it with what they want. Profit and control. They know not enough people will pay attention to notice it’s republicans actively causing the failures.

      • They literally don’t. The last time Republicans cut anything (spending, agency scope, etc) was… back in Reagan’s time? They say they want smaller government, but every time Republicans have control, they grow government, they just grow it differently than Democrats.

        For example:

        • Bush Sr. - didn’t do much other than passing bipartisan bills
        • Bush Jr - Patriot Act, TSA, military spending
        • Trump - tax cuts and increased spending (at the tail end of an economic boom), stupid tariffs

        And Reagan wasn’t the epitome of small government either, he just talked about it a lot. According to Mother Jones (strong leftist bias), Reagan grew the national debt substantially and increased the number of government employees (there were far fewer in 2012 than the end of Reagan’s presidency).

        I used to consider myself Republican back when I believed they were actually in favor of small government, but I have seen no evidence that Republicans actually are. So I switched my registration to Libertarian and now vote for both parties, depending on how I think the candidate views government.